Cuddles (Perrie)

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You closed your front door and leaned back on it sighing. Today had been stressful, and you've wanted nothing but to see your girlfriend and relax.

"Babe, I'm home and I want cuddles, " you yelled out. Little did you know that Perrie was upstairs on a live stream.

"Today was horrible and all I want is for us to snuggle so I can forget, " you said loudly as you went up the stairs towards your bedroom, where you were sure Perrie was, still unaware that she was live.

You walked into the room to see Perrie sat on your shared bed, not noticing her phone set up in front of her. "You owe me cuddles, " you said falling almost directly on top of Perrie.

She let out a grunt from the impact, making you giggle. You wrapped your arms and legs around your girlfriend like a koala as she sat up.

"Babe, you know-" she started, but you cut her off.

"No, don't make me get up, " you said, pouting with your back still turned to Perrie's phone. "I've missed you today, and I just want to stay right here."

"I've missed you too but that isn't what I was going to say. I was going to tell you that I'm live with the fans right now, " she said making your eyes go wide.

"Why didn't you tell me, " you whined as your cheeks heated up.

Perrie only giggled and pressed a kiss to your nose, making you smile. "I thought it was funny, and I like when I can make you feel better."

"Well, my day always gets better when I look at you." You untangled yourself from Perrie and sat next to her with your head on her shoulder.

You listened to her happily answer fan questions and couldn't help the content smile at the sound of her happiness. You found yourself drifting off to sleep just by being in Perrie's presence.

Perrie didn't notice that you had fallen asleep until fans started commenting on how cute it was that you had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She looked down at you and smiled.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love Y/N? She is the best thing that's ever happened to me, " Perrie said, looking back at the phone. "I'm going to marry her one day."

Perrie watched all of the excited and love-filled messages flood the chat, glad that she could share how happy you made her with the world.

A few minutes later, Perrie signed off and carefully moved so she could properly cuddle with you. The second she laid down next to you, you instinctively snuggled into her side.

Perrie sighed, falling in love with you more with every second. She drifted off to sleep, grateful that she has you.

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