Five Hargreeves Tourettes

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In which Five has tourettes and you try to comfort him.

Five's POV

I have tourettes syndrome that developed during the apocalypse. I had just got back from the apocalypse and I need to tell my girlfriend Y/n that I have tourettes syndrome. I'm really scared to tell her cause what if she dumps me for it?

I love her and I miss her alot, Klaus told me she'll be home in 5 minutes cause she was at the skate park riding her skateboard. I got changed into my uniform and sat on the bed ticing alot because I'm scared of what Y/n will think.

Allison then comes into the room seeing me panicking and ticing alot. "Hey, Five, she isn't going to dump you because of a disorder you can't control. She loves you and she misses you so much. Just relax she'll be home in 2 minutes. She won't dump you." She says then leaves.

A couple minutes later Y/n walks through the front door so I quickly get up from bed. My tics just got worse but I tried to calm down and when I calmed down a bit I spacial jumped downstairs. She stops in her tracks, dropping her skateboard and running into my arms.

"I missed you so much!" She says happily. "I missed you too gorgeous." I say. I put her down and look into her eyes. I then start twitching and she looks at me with concern. "Hey, you ok?" She asked. "Yea uhm, *whistle* listen, I have something to tell you." I say.

She grabs my hand and takes me to her room then she sits me down on the bed and she sits on her chair infront of me. "What is it you need to tell me," She asked at I smack myself in the chest really hard so she grabs my hands.

"Uhm, I have tourettes syndrome." I say looking into her eyes, scared of what she'll think. She gets up and pulls me into a hug and I start crying. "Hey, hey, it's ok Darling." She says playing with my hair.

"Your not dumping me?" I ask looking into her eyes. "Oh, ofcourse not lovely. It's not your fault you have tourettes. I will always love you. You can't help having tourettes. I will always be here for you baby." She says, playing with my hair and kissing my forehead.

"I love you kitten." I say hugging her really tight. "I love you to Old Man." She says making me laugh at the name. After all that she would always be there for me. She was there when I had tic attacks. She even bought me these special gloves so I didn't hurt myself as much when I have tic attacks.

If she's working and I'd be ticing alot and the tics got worse she would stop her work to comfort me. She was the best person ever.


492 words

That was a quick one. Sorry for not writing in ages, as I had already told yall I was going through sine issues but I'm good now! Me and my best friend are good now and we have alot of fun laughing together. I have an idea of a new story. You know the 'British Girl goes to an American school' well I was think about maybe doing a 'American boy going to a British school'. Let me know what you guys think. Love you my Kings and Queens! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now