A British Girl Going To An American School Part 2

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Aidans POV

Me an Y/n became really good friends after, well you know, the incident. We were walking to class and Jayden really bugged Y/n. "You alright British Girl? Were are you off to? The class for British Girls?" He said and him and his friends laughed.

"You alright Jayden? Were are you off to? The class for self-centered, cold hearted twats?" She said back leaving him speechless. She actually stood up to him for the first time. "Now. Do yourself a favour and move out of my way or I won't hesitate to smash all three of your heads together." She said to Jayden and his friend's.

They actually moved out of the way and we continued walking. "That was amazing! You scared him so much he actually moved out of the way. You made him go speechless!" I say putting and arm around her shoulder.

"I'm suprised they actually listened to me." She says as we walk to class. When we got to class everyone looked at Y/n then started clapping and cheering. She jumped a bit then everyone walked over to her and lifted her off the ground.

The teacher was late so no one got in trouble and Jayden was also late. "What's going on?" I ask my friend who was also cheering and clapping. "Did you not see? Y/n stood up to Jayden." He says still clapping.

I look up at her and she had a massive smile on her face. It was so cute I actually blushed and smiled. I also started clapping and cheering with everyone. They put her down and huddled around her saying how they were so suprised yet so proud of her for standing up to Jayden. We sat down in our seats as soon as the teacher and Jayden walked in and we started period 1.

Time skip

It was break time and I was looking for Y/n when I saw her and Jayden beating each other up and I started running towards them. She had blood all over her because Jayden hurt her really bad but she won the battle as he falls to the floor.

I get over to her as I see her cough up blood. He really did alot of damage to her if she's coughing out blood and she falls to her knees in pain. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the matron.

I cleaned her up and bandaged her up them pulled her into a cuddle. "What was all of that back there?" I ask.
"He was being a dick he was like 'you dick. How dare you' (you see what I did there?) And he started beating me up and screamjng at me because everyone cheered and clapped for me so I defended myself." She says.


474 Words.

I'm gonna leave this part here. I wanna update on more of my stories. Thank you so much Daylinn10 for all of the support. Your amazing and I love your support so much! Love you all!!!
Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now