Jealousy Five Hargreeves

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Five's POV

Me and my girlfriend y/n went to the shopping centre cause she was bored so I took her there, and there was a bunch of men watching her they were licking there lips and kept looking at her 🍑. I could she was really uncomfortable because of it so I grabbed her waist with one hand and the other holding her hand. I kissed her then slid my tongue into her mouth and we made out. Once the men stopped staring at her we separated them she looked over at the men who were really embarrassed and not looking at her then we walked home then I pinned her to the wall in my room and made out with her again. "I love you baby." I say looking into her eyes. "I love you too bubs." The next day the same thing happened in griddys this time, men checking her out and she was uncomfortable. So, I killed them. Then gave her a little peck on the forehead. "You need to stop being so cute, cause not only did you make me fall in love for the first time you've got other guy's eyes on you, and it pisses me off when men look at you." I say giving her another kiss on her forehead.


Next is Aidan Gallagher.
Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now