Abuse 4

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Your POV

"Well..." I stated breathing really heavy. Just thinking about my parent's scared me. I looked at my hands and saw I was shaking, alot. Me and Aidan have been dating for quite a while but I still haven't told him my deepest secrets about, my parents and my 'friends'. He grabbed my hands to stop them from shaking. "Hey, look at me." I immediately look up at him and lock eyes with him. "Breath ok, calm down then you can tell me, just breath with me. Follow my breathe." He said cupping my cheek. We both took deep breaths together making me calm down alot. "You ready to tell me now?" He asked. Stroking my cheek with his thumb making me even more calm. "Mhm." I say, holding his one hand while his other is caressing my cheek. "Well, the cuts on my arm, are from me, but the other cuts, there not..." I say, really scared to tell him but he helped me calm down. "What do you mean?" "My parents... They used to abuse me, I didn't feel safe there anymore, they would say I'm a mistake, they said they should have had an abortion instead of having me. My so called friends, would do the same, abuse me. They would say 'You don't deserve to live' and 'all you deserve is pain' so, I ran away. Got on the plane and flew to LA. That's why we met, cause I ran away and left to LA." That whole time I was explaining that to him, I didn't look at him, I was looking at the ground feeling like he would laugh at me. His eyes were wide and there was anger in them. He huggde me and layed me down next to him on the sofa and cuddled me while I cried.

Aidan's POV

Y/n just told me she used to get abused. I was so angry. Why would anyone abuse someone like her. She didn't look at me at all, she was scared I would laugh at her. I saw a tear drop onto her hand so I hugged her laying her down next to me on the sofa cuddling her. "Baby I'm so sorry. I'm such a bad boyfriend for never noticing." I start crying cause it hurts me when she's hurt. "No baby, your an amazing boyfriend, your the reason I smile everyday." She looks up at me seeing me cry and she wipes my tears. "Don't cry baby, you are perfect, you are the best boyfriend ever." She said kissing me softly. "I love you baby." I say to her. "I love you too baby." She says back.


That's the last part of 'Abuse'. I hope you like it. Have an amazing day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now