Abuse part 3

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Aidan's POV

It was the next day and I saw y/n wasn't in bed. I went downstairs and saw she was sitting outside the door. I walked over to her and saw she was smoking. "Y-Y/n?!" I grab the cigarette and throw it. "Hey?!" She shouts. "SO NOT ONLY ARE YOU SELF HARMING BUT YOUR ALSO SMOKING?! WHAT'S GONNA BE NEXT?! YOU GONNA HANG YOURSELF?!" I lashed out, I was scared she is gonan die, I don't wanna lose her. When I saw she flinched I felt so bad. "Oh.. No baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I love you so much, I'm just scared I'm gonna lose you." I start sobbing. "I-I don't want you to... D-Die." I say crying and hugging her. "Please, please don't go." I was now in full on tears. "Baby, it's ok, you not gonna lose me, I'm not leaving. How about this, I stop cutting, I try to quit smoking, I'll change, for you." She says in a reassuring way. "Oh baby, I don't want you to change, all I wamt is for no hurting yourself and no smoking. I want you to stay the same, just no more pain." I say. "I just want to know your happy again. "Baby, I am happy when I'm with you, you make my heart complete, you make me happy. I would never change that for the world. I would chose to save you over everyone in this world cause your the one who make my pain go away." She is so precious and cute. I love her so much she is the best. I kissed her then we made out for 5 minutes. When we parted I grabbed her hand and took her to the sofa. "So, what happened making you do all this?" I ask. Well" ...


Clif hangerrrrrr. Sorry, I'm really buzy, I will post the next one tomorrow. Have a good day or night where ever you are. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now