Two Celebrity's meet

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Aidans POV

I was on live streaming and answering questions when one question popped up. "Who is your celebrity crush." I read out loud. "Um, my celebrity crush is y/n, I saw her on stranger things then started watching everything she was in, she is truly gorgeous and an amazing actress, I think she has been an actress since she was 12 and she is now the same age as me from what I've heard." "How many picks of y/n do you have in your camera roll?" I read. "My camera roll mostly has me, my friends and coffee in it but I did google her to see what she was in but that's all. I heard she was gonna be in a new movie soon, I don't know what it is called and I'm also gonna be in a movie soon so you guys will have to wait for that. But uhm yea I talk to my friemds about y/n alot since she is my favourite actress but they get really annoyed at me for it." I chuckle a bit. "Do you watch her live streams?" Someone else asked. "Of course I do but I can't today cause my friends told me to live stream since they have never seen me stream."

Your POV

I was live streaming and I get the question "who is your celebrity crush?" (Same question as Aidan) "oh my celebrity crush is Aidan Gallagher and also Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Aidan is the same age as me and I saw him from NRD&D then after that I watched The Umbrella Academy and listened to his music and Thomas is I think 31 and I saw him from the maze runner then I watched alot of his shows." I reply. "Who is betterAidan or Thomas?" I read. "Oo tough but I would say Aidan." After a couple of minutes I was still answering questions and Aisan joined without me knowing. "What is the name of the movie your gonna be in soon?" Someone asked. "That's something you guys will have to wait and see." I say smirking.

Aidan's POV

I ended my live stream early and joined y/n's stream, she is so pretty, I wish I could meet her but she's all the way in y/c (your country). "What I will tell you is that I am going to be shooting the movie in LA and I will also be doing a meet n greet." OH. MY. GOD. SHE'S COMING TO SHOOT THE MOVIE AND DOING A MEET N GREET HERE?! OH MY GODDDDDDDDD. I was so excited when I heard that. "When are you coming to America?" Someone else asked. "I will be in America in 4 hours, I'm gonna leave in about an hour and I will be live streaming on the way there." SHE'S GONNA BE HERE IN FOUR HOURS?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHH THIS IS CRAZY I'M SO EXCITED

TIme skip to 4 hours

Your POV

"I have just arrived in America and I'm so excited to meet you all! The meet n greet will be in a week and I will be in Americe for 5 years cause I have alot to do in America." I said to the live. "OH MY GOD I SEE YOU AT THE AIRPORT I'M THERE NOW!" Someone commented. "Come say hi! I would love to meet you!" After you said that a little girl came up to you, she looked six. She was really excited and happy and I thought it was adorable. "Hi! I am a huge fan, I'm faith." The little girl said. "Hello Faith it's so nice to meet you!" I said with a smile. "Can I be in your live stream?" Faith asked. "Of corse you can!" I showed her to the live will stting down next to her, she had a massive smile on her face which made my heart melt, she waved saying hi the she hugged me so I hugged back. "You should go back to your mum, she looks really worried." I said. "Ok, bye!" She said then left as I left the airport. "Guys if your a fan and you see me in public please come and say hi! I would love to meet you all.

Aidan's POV

She's in America right now! I can't believe it, I'm gonna be filming tomorrow and I think she is too I have been on her live for the whole time, I can't get over how pretty she is and how much she appreciates her fans and how she loves them so much.

The next day

I got out of bed and got ready for the day cause I was going to be filming and I really hope I'm in a movie with y/n, I doubt it though, the movie I'm in is about two people in love and they make out in it which I'm really nervous for cause I'm one of them people and I don't know who the other one is yet. I arrived at set and the guy who is filming came up to me and said "the person you will be filming with will be here in 5 minutes." He told me. "Ok." I replied really nervous. I have been waiting in my trailer for 5 minutes and I also found out I'm sharing a trailer with the person I have to make out with. The girl came through the door to the trailer as both of are wyes meat, both are eyes widened. "Y-Y/n L/n." I said stuttering. "Aidan Gallagher." She said smiling. "You know me?" I ask shocked and happy. "Of course, your my favourite actor." OH MY GOD, Y/N L/N JUST TOLD ME I'M HER FAVOURITE ACTOR.


There's episode one of two celebrities meet for you, I hope you enjoy.

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now