Panic Attack

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Aidan's POV

I have just finished work for today and I went back to my trailer where Y/n was cause she finished work 2 hours before me.

She goes to college and the reason she finishes before me is so she can do homework.

I walk in the trailer and saw her sitting there doing her homework. She got stuck on one question making her stressed and her breathing got faster and heavier.

She started shaking alot and she put her pencil down and it got to the point were her breathing was so heavy and fast, she couldn't breath at all.

She was having a panic attack so I ran over to her and put my arms around her and pulled her back so she was leaning up against the back of the sofa.

I put my hand on her cheek and stroked my thumb on her cheek. "Calm down. It's ok. Your ok." I say trying to calm her down but her breathing got worse.

I kissed her for about 20 seconds then separated and looked in her eyes. She calmed down alot and looked into my eyes aswell.

"H-How did you do that?" She questioned. "I read somewhere that holding your breath helps stop panic attacks." I reply. (I got that from Teen Wolf lol)

"Thanks." She says with a warm smile that brightened up the whole room making me blush but I return it with a warm smile. "No problem. Now. Let's go to our room and watch a movie." I say.

"Mm. Yeah. No. I've got homework to finish that's due in tomorrow. Plus, I've also got an essay due in 3 days that I have to complete and I've got my art project from my art lessons." She says.

"That's so much! Can't you have a little break?" I ask. "Nope." She says finishing her last question on her homework and putting it in her back and taking her laptop out.

"How much pages of your essay have you done?" I ask sitting behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and I rest my chin on her shoulder.

"2 pages." She replies not paying any attention to me and typing her essay up on her laptop. "How many pages do you have left?" I question.

"5. Why are you asking so many questions?" She asks still typing her essay on her laptop. "Because I want to know when we can cuddle." I say and I start kissing her neck.

"A-Aidan. S-Stop I can't c-conserntrate." She says. "Mmm. Not until- you- cuddle me." I say in-between me kissing her neck.

"A-Aidan I-I need to w-wright up m-my e-essay." She says trying to focus but can't because I keep kissing her neck.

"Are- you gonna- cuddle- with me?" I ask as I kept kissing her neck and giving her hickeys. I then find her sweet spot and she gasps.

"Fine. But only for a couple minutes." She says giving in. "Yay." I say getting up and grabbing her hand taking her to our room.

I lay down on the bed and grab y/n's hand pulling her on the bed and cuddling her.

A couple minutes later

"Alright. I'm going back to my essay now." She says trying to get up. "Mmmmmmm. Let's just stay like this forever." I say laying my head on her chest.

"Aidan I need to do my essay. If I don't I will fail geography class and that is my most important class." She says. "I don't care. Stay." I say cuddling her tighter.

"Aidan I need to finish my essay in 3 days and I still have 5 pages to finish. I can't cuddle right now. Once all my work is done then we can cuddle.

"Mmmmmmm. Fineeeeeeee." I say getting off the bed and so did she and we went to the living room and she started her essay again.

1 hour later

"Are you done yet?" I ask. "I'm nearly finished just need to finish the art project quickly." She says. "You've been working for ages." I say.

"Mhm. I'm done now." She says putting her pencil down. "Yay!!!" I shout picking her up and going to our room and I hear her giggle making me smile and blush.


733 words.

This one's really cute in my opinion.
Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now