Chapter 104: Grace

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I left the kitchen leaving JJ with Mateo going to see Luca. I went to his room we made seeing the rocking that was here before we got here and the crib. Taylor was sitting in it, her eyes closed but the chair was rocking, Nate was standing over Luca's crib. He turned seeing me, and I walked up to him, he wrapped his arm around me and I looked down seeing Luca sound asleep in the crib.

"He went to sleep in my arms." Taylor spoke behind us. "I don't know if you two made a miracle baby but he gives me this sense of calm." She said and I turned smiling at her, she rolled her eyes. "Come on, you have never acknowledged who your baby daddy is to me but he has your nose and Nate's eyes, your words, and he has his hair because me and you both know your hair and Mateo's is dark." She said making me laugh.

"We don't care who his father is." Nate said and I nodded. "Me and Mateo are both his fathers." He explained and Taylor held up her hands.

"Listen, didn't mean anything by it but sometimes my nerves just get, all, you know." She pointed at me.

"That is true, I know." I agreed.

"But when I hold your baby, I feel so... so calm, like everything drifts away." She closed her eyes. "It feels good." She whispered.

"I think that means you love my son." I spoke and she opened her eyes. "That's good." I said and she smiled. "Maybe you can be the aunt, after all." I pointed out and she laughed.

"What are we talking about?" Nate nudged me, and I arched a brow.

"I'm assuming you didn't hear that part either?" I asked. He shook his head. "I told her she could be the aunt that tells Luca to glove his dick before he dipped it anywhere." I spit it out and he scoffed, before laughing. His laughed filled the room and my heart flutter.

"Shh, don't wake miracle baby!" Taylor scolded and he quieted himself.

"I can totally see you doing that, that's quite funny." He said and she smiled again. The door opened and Jake walked in, I didn't say a word and no one else did as he walked to the bed, and looked down at Luca standing beside me.

"Hey." He finally greeted still looking down at Luca I turned around facing Luca.

"Hey." I said and he looked at me.

"You're leaving again?" He asked and I nodded.

"But I will come back this time." I said and he smiled.

"If you didn't, I was going to ask mom if there was a way for her to let me see you in New York." He remarked and I chuckled.

"I would to come here once every three months." I said and he nodded. "Jake, I would like to say sorry for leaving you, I just didn't know how to tell you, that I needed to go." He shook his head.

"You don't have too, I realize I can't understand most things because my brain won't let me but I do understand that you did what was best for you, and that's enough for me." He said and I nodded. He hugged me and I slowly wrapped my arms around him. "Mom wants to see you; she's here, my car is in the shop." He whispered and I smiled.

"She doesn't want to kill me?" I asked and he laughed.

"No, little sister." He said and my heart swelled. He pulled back and looked down at Luca. "Cute baby." He commented making me chuckle. The door clicked open and a lady about Nellie's age walked in, her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Grace." She whispered and I smiled.

"Mrs. Adler." I said and she scolded me I put up my hands. "Okay, mom." I said and she smiled, I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. This woman, I used to sit on her lap in the swing when Jake would mow the lawn after his father died. He couldn't drive at the time so she drove, my parents drifted away so I started calling her mom and she instantly accepted me.

"I was wondering if I would see you again." She whispered and I felt tears in my eyes. "Nellie told me, I'm sorry baby. I didn't know." She said and I shook my head.

"I thought no one did." I said standing properly in front of her. "Would you like to see Taylor?" I stepped aside gesturing to the chair and Taylor rose out of it.

"Yes, the sister." She joked making Taylor laugh. Taylor was wearing her usual braid to her hips, graphic t-shirt of ACDC and jeans. She bowed in front of her, and walked up standing beside me.

"You look good, you both do." Lillian commented. "Jake told me you have two husbands?" She arched a brow and Taylor laughed.

"Straight to the point Mrs. A." She said and Lillian arched a brow. "Sorry Lillian. One of them is right there." Taylor turned gesturing to Nate. I felt myself blush as he walked up and held a hand out.

"Mrs. Adler, my name is Nate." He greeted.

"Nice to meet you but don't call me that Lillian or Lily is fine." She shook his hand with a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am." He agreed and she looked him over. She leaned over to me.

"He looks fine dear, and I mean fine." She punctuated 'fine' and I laughed, feeling myself blush.

"I'm not sure what I am supposed to say to that." I shook my head, she pulled away showing me a huge smile.

"It's a compliment dear." She said and I nodded. I don't know but something about her saying that made me feel relaxed being in her presence. When Jake said she was here I was nervous.

"I am sorry for leaving." She shook her head instantly. 

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