Chapter 45: Mateo

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She is awake. Well not right now but she was awake up and joking around before they wheeled her off to surgery. She kissed me and Nate before she was pulled away and she stopped them having Taylor hug her. We were all sitting in Grace's room where she left us, I guess in shock because no one said a fucking word.

"Hello?" A heard a distorted sounding voice. "Okay hello?! We don't have time for you all to go to sleep or go into a fucking coma!" Rya's voice was clear now and I turned around arching a brow. "To soon?" She looked concerned.

"No, it's perfect." Taylor laughed out.

The door clicked open and Austin walked in the door holding Annie's hand and JJ ran to me from behind him. Austin looked at the place where the missing bed was and he arched a brow and Annie pulled her small hand out of his bigger one and walked to Rya. Austin walked over to us, and pointed to the empty spot.

"She is in surgery." I said to him and he nodded.

"She was awake." Taylor said and his jaw dropped.

"Breathing on her own?" He asked and we all nodded. "She is ok besides the hematoma?" He asked and we all nodded. Rya rose up from the bed and turned to us.

"They told me I should start walking. I don't have to lay down anymore." She explained. Taylor got up and grabbed some clothes that have been sitting at the foot of her bed. Looked like ones similar to when Grace showed up at our door, but that felt like so long ago. Rya took the clothes from her and Taylor picked up Annie walking back over.

"Hey little girl." Taylor said to her but Annie just smiled at her. She never talks to anyone much but to Austin and Rya sometimes Taylor.

"Hey." Annie whispered to her. Taylor smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Did she see Skinner?" Austin asked, me and Nate nodded.

"She said she heard all of us while she was out." I told him and he nodded. "She will still want to talk to you though. They didn't have enough time to talk to Rya before they wheeled her away, or any of us really." I explained.

Taylor walked over to her bed with Annie and gave her phone to Annie. Annie took it and started playing with it and Austin walked to his stool and turned on the TV. Nate was still sitting beside me he reached over grabbing my hand.

"Do you think she will wake up this time?" He asked and I nodded. I think she is awake for good; they said the hematoma was minor I think she will wake up. She better wake up all I want is to take my Angel home.

We all spent time sitting around Austin turned the TV onto some music and I just sat there with Nate's hand in mine. I think I am in shock or something I can't believe she's awake. I'm not sure how long I sat there but the door opened and Dr. Katz walked in taking off her scrub cap.

"She made it through, no complications during the surgery. I can bring her down in around twenty minutes it's best if it stays quiet when she gets here. We used the same incision during this surgery so she will look the same when she comes out." She explained.

"No problem." Taylor spoke and Dr. Katz quickly left the room. Luca woke up crying Nate picked him up and started swaying with him slowly. Nate fed him a bottle Taylor got from Mira and Nate went to change his diaper and apparently Taylor got up throughout the night changing him, checking on him. Said she didn't want to disturb us, and understood we needed the rest.

The door clicked open and Grace rolled in with her eyes closed, but she must have been awake because she was humming. The put her in her spot and she opened her eyes closing them quickly Janet reached over turning the light off and she opened them again. She was wearing a t-shirt and looked like sweats from the waistband instead of the gown.

"Thank you." She smiled and she looked at me and I got up walking to her and sat down beside her. Janet drew the curtain blocking out the light from the rest of the room giving us privacy.

"Hey baby." I spoke grabbing her hand and I brought it up kissing the back of it.

"Hey. I'm sorry." She sighed and I arched a brow at her. What the fuck does she mean? "I said somethings when I was there, and I should have told you those things a long time ago, I just blocked it out." She explained.

"Angel, you have no reason to be sorry. You did what was best for you I get that." I assured her.

"I want out of here." She sighed and the curtain was ripped open, Nate stepped through it with Luca in his arms. I closed it behind him and he smirked, giving me Luca. "That's new." Grace whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered to her, looking down at Luca in my arms.

"That." She motioned in between me and Nate and then her jaw dropped. "No, you did it didn't you?" She looked at Nate question in her gaze and Nate smirked.

"I guess?" He whispered.

"Fuck you. Fuck you both." She hit Nate's shoulder as she sat down. "It took me being asleep for you to do it. Fuck you." She smiled.

"Sorry Angel." Nate chuckled and leaned down kissing her, she pulled him in kissing him deeper. "Hey." He chuckled out. He pushed her back gently before standing up.

"I'm sorry." She said and she looked at me with terror in her gaze. "I didn't know if I was going to make it out alive." She sighed out and I saw tears go down her cheeks. She pulled her legs to the side and let Nate sit at the foot.

"You have nothing to be sorry for angel." He cooed and she gripped his hand tight. I gave Luca to her, and she smiled running a finger down his cheek smiling at him.

"You and I both you would have made it out alive, for him." I nodded to Luca and she looked at me.

"I need to talk to the nurse." She said before pressing the call button. Mira pushed through the curtains and stood at the foot of her bed. "When I was... there I stopped producing milk, I was wondering if that was normal?" She asked and Mira nodded.

"Yes, that can happen under extreme stress." She nodded at her. Grace nodded at her.

"Thank you I didn't want to end up with him having done something else to me was all." She explained.

"I understand let me know if you have any more questions." Mira said quickly leaving and Grace had more tears going down her face.

"Thank God." She shuddered and I moved my stool moving the railing down and kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I can't not yet." She answered, and I nodded. "You know what yeah." She sighed and looked up from Luca to me and Nate. "I can't let him take up headspace not this time. I don't know what is happening to Blake but right now, all I want is to kill him. All I want is to go home to you two and Luca..." She trailed off smiling at him. "Knowing he is dead. Not letting him live in my head, not with wondering if he still alive, how did he die. I want to be there I want to know." She explained more tears fell down her face.

"Baby." I started.

"If that makes me a monster, I am sorry, but I don't care anymore, everyone thinks I fell apart after Nick because it was the fact that I killed him but no. It was the fact that, I let it go on, I let him get to me and he almost..." She trailed off, and my insides burned knowing exactly what she was going to say. 

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