Chapter 93: Mateo

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The longer she sat on me the harder I was getting but I just needed to feel her. I needed her, right now pressed against me letting me feel her. My body felt so jittery but holding her hand and being close to me instilled a calmness in me. The door opened and I looked up seeing Castillo looking down before looking up her eyes widened. I gripped her harder feeling her arms around my neck, her head on my shoulder.

"Nothing is happening but she is not moving off him." Nate spoke and Castillo nodded, Nate walked around the bed and he and Castillo talked in hushed voices before she left the room. This hurts like hell but feeling her against me is making me feel better.

When I was in that alley, I fought like hell but I had to give up and that was what I didn't like because I was too good at fighting them. I had to lay down basically and take what they gave me which was kicking my ribs someone kicked my leg heard a pop and one yelled at the other to stop that they still wanted me to walk. They moved on and just kept kicking, they put me in the back of van, tying me up and gagging me, the person in the back with me got knife happy and cut me up. I thought I was done, gone, dead, with that guy cutting me up.

"Mateo." Grace whispered and I hardened feeling her voice she tensed.

"I'm not going to try anything just feeling your body against mine, it's calming me." I whispered and I felt her smile before relaxing again. Her head buried in my shoulder and she brought her knees closer careful to keep her bodyweight off me.

"I don't want to hurt you." She whispered, kissing my neck.

"I don't care." I whispered and Nate finally turned around walking to the bed pushing to sit beside me.

"Muscles relaxers and a brace she can bring in when you are ready." He spoke and I nodded. Grace pulled away and I let her seeing both her and Nate.

"I thought I was done." I spoke and they both tried speaking but I held up my hands. "Being in the back of that van that guy cutting me up, me being bound and gagged. I normally wouldn't mind that from you two." I remarked and they both smirked before going neutral again. "But knowing that I was probably dead in that moment, I can't even put into words what I felt." I finished. The door opened and Castillo read the room before walking in and Nate got up standing beside me.

"I'm going to give you a brace, to walk with, and a stabilizer which can be useless..." She remarked and Grace smiled at her.

"Well then why are you giving it to him?" Grace asked and Castillo smiled.

"Because it can be better to sleep with." She explained and she held up this brace that was very basic it was fabric but I'm pretty sure there was metal inside of it because of how stiff it looked. "I would tell you to be easy with intercourse but I'm thinking that would be useless." She remarked and I smiled and Nate laughed. "Am I right?" She asked looking at Grace.

"That is true." She smiled, blush on her face. "Though I did have brain surgery about 2 and a half months ago so it's probably not useless." Grace shrugged looking at me and Castillo put the knee brace down and held Grace's chin.

"Really?" Castillo remarked, and Grace nodded. "What happened?" She asked and Grace moved away shaking her head. "Sorry." Castillo muttered picking up the brace again opening and Grace moved her legs straddling one of my legs now. Castillo picked my leg up and I gritted my teeth watching her set the brace back down wrapping it around my leg tightly while explaining how to put it on.

"Thank you." Grace spoke and Castillo nodded, and leaned down whispering in her ear and Grace blushed again and Castillo darted for the door.

"What did she say to put that pretty pink in your cheeks?" I asked her and Grace shook her head, and Nate walked closer and Grace got up shuffling away.

"You have never run away from me." Nate muttered and Grace just smiled.

"There is a bet and she wants to win, so the faster we get out of here the faster she wins." Grace smiled and Nate arched a brow standing at the foot of my bed, Grace standing in front of the window.

"What bet?" I asked and Grace walked closer to me and held my hand Nate stood beside her, his hand was on my thigh, and my cock was so hard.

"There is bet on if we are going to have sex or not out there. They saw through the window with me on your lap." Grace said and I smirked at her, and brought her hand kissing her hand. "She bet that we wouldn't at all, told me that if I was a good girl, I would let her win." She muttered lowly.

"Why do you want her to win?" Nate asked and Grace held his hand.

"Sike likes her." She said and I arched a brow. "You didn't see them two?" She asked and I shook my head. Grace pulled away walking out of the room and Sike walked in with JJ holding Luca. Grace took Luca and smiled down at them. 

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