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"Hours and hours worth of recording and still - nothing." Sky said massaging the back of her neck as I stared at the screen, for I knew, this could not be it.

"Siddhanth, I don't think we will find a clue in these recordings."

"Because there is none here."

"Wha- what?"

"Let's watch these-" I said, tossing a few tapes across the table as she grabbed them before they slipped off of the surface.

"What are these?"

"Recordings from the cameras I installed, myself."

"Where did you install them?"

"In the parking garage of the hospital, because I knew Vivaan would visit Baba. I just want to know if there is anything else we can find from these-"

We played the recording and yet, there was nothing out of order, except a few instances where Suhaana could be seen walking through the driveway and on her phone, which suggested nothing fishy to me. I knew her father was keeping a watch on her and so, I expected to see a glimpse of him, through her, because I had never seen the man before. Three hours into the recordings and we hardly found anything to process. Sky heaved out a loud sigh and for once, even I thought, this all might be a waste of time. Sky rose from her chair for a coffee refill, as I shut my eyes close, squeezing them hard. It had been a long day.

"It's 3 am Sky, you should leave."

"We are miles away from any leads Siddhanth."

"Doesn't matter, I don't think there is anything here." I lied.

"Okay, see you-"

"The next time I call you. I don't want us to be seen together as often as we do."

"Yes. Goodnight."

Sky grabbed her bag before leaving my office. There was something peculiar about a certain glimpse I noticed of Suhaana, and yet, I had to stay mum, at least in front of Sky. I pressed rewind as I extended my arms upon the mahogany desk, I had an inkling that I was onto something. The clip showed Suhaana walking by a deep blue Aston Martin, pausing briefly next to the car's door, and then walking her way as if nothing happened. Two things about the scenario intrigued me, number one, she never seemed interested in smart cars like those, and two, the way her body language changed around the car, suggested as if she had seen it before, or it belonged to someone she knew. I watched three hours worth of recording more, to be able to spot her with her father, or a clue about the car, and just as I was about to give up for the night, Vivaan entered the frame with Suhaana.

I don't know much about how the human body worked, but from what I could feel, I felt the blood in my veins freeze into thin ice. Suhaana did not follow that bastard, she led him into the parking lot through the gateway only I knew about. She turned her head left and right before she fished out a keyfob from her bag before her steps trudged towards the same car, she had acted weird around earlier. She unlocked the driver's seat of the blue Aston Martin before she stepped inside the car, as Vivaan made way to the passenger side of it. The two did not come out of it for the next two hours' worth of recording, making me stare at the screen as if, if it were in my hands, I would walk into the scene and see for myself what took them so fucking long.

I trusted Suhaana with all my heart but did I trust Vivaan? No fucking way. Suhaana exited the scene in a hurry, almost falling face down as Vivaan could be seen getting out of the car too. Her hair looked disheveled and her body language looked like she wanted to escape. The scene playing in front of me made me jump in my seat, thinking that if that fucktard had laid hands on my woman, he's better off from imagining the ways I'd kill him. Suhaana ran off from the parking lot from the usual entry as if she had forgotten the security cameras would capture her. My hand made its way subliminally to my phone, checking if there were any calls or messages from her, but nothing from her end was there. Thousand and one questions swamped my head as to why was she with Vivaan and what did he do to her? Why did she look so upset and panicked and what could have been the reason for her driving a completely separate car, that I don't even have a clue about.

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