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The color of their faces seemed to dissipate into thin air as soon as their eyes landed on me. As if, they could have expected anyone, but me. As if, they were expecting me, which is why they had been making plans to not let out whatever they were trying to keep discreet.

"Please, please don't tell Siddhanth."

I heard my sister's low whimper. The moment I stepped in, agitation and jealousy felt quite the obvious emotions to feel because apparently everyone in my family seemed to trust others, with whatever issues they faced, rather than me. The sight in front of me was that of Rudra comforting my sister while Suhaana caressed her hands, with her own tiny palms.

I refrained from looking at her, I didn't feel ready. I didn't feel ready to meet her eyes with my own, which could hint at my inhibitions. I think it was okay for me to sleep with a broken heart that night, as long as no one or nothing tugged onto the already damaged strings. I stared at my sister who seemed pale and apparently terrified of me.

"Akka? What happened? Why did you have to go-" I reached out my fingers to touch her forehead before she ducked her head involuntarily, before lowering her eyes.

"Akka?" I struggled to get into her space as Rudra's tall frame blocked her view, as though shielding her.

"Will someone say something?" I said placing my hands on my waist as I took a few steps back from everyone.

"She-she had a fever. And- and-" Suhaana jumped in with an explanation, making me look into her eyes before Rudra spoke up.

"A girl problem." He averred.

"What?" My face contorted at the inadequacy of the information provided to me.

"A girl problem." Suhaana nodded.

"What are we? Three? Tell me what has happened to her?" I said making sure I didn't sound threatening.

"I have an infection-I-they found a cyst in my uterus," Akka spoke for the first time, making me jostle against Rudra to sit by her side.

"What the fu-?"

"Yeah so she needs to rest," Rudra said hovering over us.

"But why would you guys want to keep this from me?" I stared dead into his eyes.

"Because she didn't want to trouble you." He stated, with a straight face.

"Akka?" I turned to my sister who had now lowered herself into the bed.

"Siddhanth, I want to sleep." She said turning away from me.

"Please let me know if there is anything I could do for you."

"Hmm." She hummed before turning to my side and reaching her arm behind me, to grab the switch of the night lamp. She flicked it, causing the room to turn dark, before turning away again.

It was an awkward moment. I could hear the crickets chirp as Rudra still stood staunch over me and Suhaana sat on her knees, not moving an inch. I on the other hand thought we should all move out and give my sister some space. Like wasn't it obvious? She had literally turned off the lights, now what were we waiting for?

"I am going to sleep with her." She said shuffling in the dark.

"And I am going to sleep on the floor, just in case there's a medical emergency." Rudra declared, still not moving.

"And I am going to cry myself to sleep tonight because I don't know shit about my own family."

I didn't say it out loud.

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