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Life had spun Siddhanth in a comedic yet tragic conundrum. The man in front of him shook like a leaf and while he wanted to use his good old ways to retrieve information from him, he did not want to hurt the man who clearly looked like he was just hired to do this job. Siddhanth knew that whoever sent this person knew of this man's potential, he knew that the main person behind it all knew it so well, that this old guy would in no way in hell, be able to get a hold of Rudra, let alone kill him.

"I won't harm you, I promise," Siddhanth said, lowering his revolver and pulling it back inside his jacket. The man's face, which had turned white as s sheet of paper, seemed to regain blood blow in the blood vessels of his face, but he wasn't sure of what might follow next.

"Who sent you-"

"I can't tell you that!"

"Okay. Can you then tell me why you are here to kill Rudra?"


"In that case, I don't think there is any point in keeping you alive, my friend." He lowered his hand towards the inside of his blazer -

"If I tell you the real reasons behind it all, my boss won't leave me alive!"

"Okay, here's the deal. I already know who your boss is," I didn't.
"-And I can give you my word, that I will protect you if you choose to cooperate."

"You're lying!"

"Give me one good reason to lie. You are not here to kill me, and yet, I can help you with what you're really here for."


"Of course, why not? I know where Rudra Shetty is, now wouldn't your boss be pleased if he gets to know that you have completed the task you were hired for?"

"'Ye- yes, I guess."

"Good. Then the details please?"

"Why would you help me!"


"Look. I can hand you over to the police, so that'll cost you a whole lifetime behind the bars. If you don't follow your boss's orders, I don't think he is the kind of guy who'd let you live if you did not complete the assignment."
I shrugged waiting for him to speak up before I had to do what I didn't want to do because honestly, the man looked too naive to have been appointed as an assassin.

Which, both his boss and I knew.

"Rudra Shetty, Rudra Shetty is the illegitimate child of his father."

Siddhanth felt the ground under his feet shake as he maintained his composure, to not look like this information had affected him.

"Lately, he had been being a menace to his father's plan, he won't, he won't cooperate and so, and so, it was better for him to get killed so that it would be a nice lesson to his sister, who may try to go against their father's plans."

"What plans?"

"I don't know much, but they have been planning to avenge somebody."

"Do you know who that somebody is?" I said stepping forward failing at asking my desperation. The man stepped back, afraid that I'd hurt him, and so I regained my posture and calm, as I nodded for him to go on.

"No. All I know is, they are going after his family members one by one, their main intention is not to kill him, but to kill all of his family members one by one."

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