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"Amma, save me from the fury." I prayed as my thoughts wandered back to what happened at the airport. I had come to pick up Baba from the airport and together we had to attend a conference meeting that would have decided my fate. Had it been the old me, I would have cursed this girl to death, but that's, that's not how Amma raised me.

*At the airport*

I rushed towards my father after I helped her sit in the car. I felt anxious. I felt horrified. He looked at me, appalled. I looked down.

"I don't know why Subah prayed day and night, to have a son like you."

I looked up with water in my eyes. "Baba, I am sorry. I had no idea how she came in front of my car. I had been driving very carefully, and I was sure of making you proud - today."

"Tch. You haven't changed a bit, have you? Blaming the girl you just hit with your car, acting like a hero by picking her up in your arms, and blaming her for your idiocy? Siddhanth, what, why are you the way you are huh?"

I knew Baba had some misconceptions about my character, and yes, I was indeed a foolish boy back then, but this can't be the man my Amma raised.

"Baba, please come with me." I tried to take a hold of his hand as he jerked it away.

"Leave it! I'll call Ramraj."

"Baba, please, I request you to come with me..."

"How can I come with you Siddhanth? You'd be embarrassingly late for our meeting. These people have arrived all the way from California to sign a deal with us. I have to be there to form an impression or should I also become irresponsible like you and forget about others? Only care for myself and my pleasures?"

I couldn't muster any more words. Was he right about me? No. No. I reminded myself.

" Please take this innocent girl and get her safely wherever she needs to be."

"Okay Baba, I'll be there for the meeting asap!"

"No need."

I could hear my heart break into a thousand pieces. I can't let this one chance of making my parents proud of me go in vain.

"Baba..." I authoritatively held his hand this time. "I'll be there. I'll be there to assist you today at the meeting. I won't let you down. I promise."

Before I could listen to an answer, I turned to leave. Honestly? I didn't have the courage to listen to another word my dad had to say about me. Not because of my ego, no, that Siddhanth is long gone. But because of all the courage and strength that I had mustered in my head for this responsibility, I didn't want it to be shaken. It might take some time for me to build the trust and love in my father's heart for me, but I cannot let the foundation be weak.

*The present*

I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed a red piece of cloth, drenched with blood, on my left. I looked with concern to see the girl from the airport, silently wincing in pain, trying to adjust her kurta that was stuck in the buckle of the seat belt. I pulled aside and unlocked my seat belt.

"Mam..." I softly called out.

"Let me help you...." I said as I reached towards her. There was blood on her fingers and she looked really scared. She didn't look like the volcano I had seen at the airport, she looked like a little girl lost in a new city.

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