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"Wait!" I said as Siddhanth collected his keys from the coffee table, to leave for the office.

"I am coming too!" I smiled at him, to which he responded rather blankly.

"Suhaana? Don't you think you should rest for a few days? You are hardly able to walk." said Akka from her room.

"You guys are too loud! Shut up!" Samira yelled from the other room. Rudra anna placed his mug on the coffee table and picked up the newspaper like he had nothing to say in this situation.

"Akka, there's a lot of work that awaits me at the office." I pouted from the hall, for her to press her lips and shrug her shoulders.

"Siddhanth, can you give me five minutes? I'll just collect my files, I don't know where I kept them..." I looked around the house for my blue file holder, but to my utter disappointment, I couldn't find them anywhere and my foot made it worse for me to jump and wince at every step.

"It's in the car." He said, turning to the door. I tilted my head, unable to understand his problem. The otherwise cheerful Siddhanth was grumpy - especially with me.

"You could have told that to me earlier," I mumbled loud enough for him to listen.

"I don't want to be a part of your problems you don't want to make me a part of." He retorted.

"What?" My face contorted as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Can you please hurry up? I have things to do."

"You know what? You can leave if you want to. I'll take a cab." I said, walking up to his face.

"Shana, can you please stop it and leave already? You are making yourselves late for no reason..." Anna said, peeping through the newspaper as Siddhanth pursed his lips and nodded at him.

"What is your problem today?" I said, tying my hair loosely and walking out of the door. He closed it behind us, and walked behind me, as I limped.

"I am asking you something." I glared at him as he tested my patience. He responded to all of my questions with silence until we had reached the cabin and he had assumed his seat.

"Amit Ji, can I have a black coffee and a chai latte?" He asked the head of the canteen, changing our usual order as he put on his reading glasses.

"Siddhanth?" I called his name as he looked up at me momentarily.

"What?" His blunt response agitated me further until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why are you acting like that?" I said walking to him and taking a seat in front of him.

"Like what?" He said, leaning in his chair, and watching me through his reading glasses.

"Like this," I said pointing at him.

"Suhaana, okay so tell me. My unusual demeanor for the last two hours makes you want to throw questions at me one after the other and you think I am not supposed to have questions of my own about what happened that day?" He said getting up from his chair, walking towards me.

"I thought we loved...we shared something between us. I just wanted to give you the time you needed before you could tell me what's wrong, but if you want me to act like nothing happened and everything is fine, then I am sorry. This is a lot you are asking from me." He said, walking back to his chair, and looking out of the magnificent glass window.

"Siddhanth...I...I am sorry..." I murmured under my breath as I attempted to get up. He turned around gesturing for me to keep seated as he walked towards me.

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