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I sat on the bench outside the ICU staring at my hands and then at the doors that held my fate behind them. To ensure that his head injuries weren't fatal, he was under intensive care by some of the best doctors in the city, and yet I didn't have what it should have taken to walk up to the head doctor and ask if my father was fine.


My consciousness remarked more than it questioned me - of course mirthlessly. While it was true, I had no idea who was behind the attack, I couldn't help but point a finger at the only face that I could not get out of my mind. It was true, he was back. Vivaan Thirupathi was back - and as far as I knew him, he didn't leave any blood on his hands. No one was sure after who were those men sent that night, but from what I know about Vivaan, if he were to avenge me, he would begin right where one's thoughts would halt.

Suhaana leaped across the distance between the wall she stood leaning against and the doctor who pulled down his mask briefly. I stood up, my qualms storming my head, as she nodded in response to something the doctor said. She turned to me longingly as I averted my gaze from hers, before deciding otherwise. I met her eyes as she bore into mine, it took every bit of me to fight the urge to hold her and cry my fucking heart out. She walked up to me, gesturing to me to take a seat. She lowered herself next to me, her cold hand reaching out for my fingers.

"He is critical." She said, making me shut my eyes and gulp down the lump forming in my throat. I withdrew my hand from hers and stood up, feeling dizzy and nauseated about everything that I was. She tugged on my sleeve as I began to stride along with the hushed gallery, making me draw my foot back.

"You cannot do this to yourself." She rose from the bench making me look away from her in an attempt to hide, maybe not from the world, but her. Especially her.

"I am not doing anything," I averred.

"Then why won't you talk to me?" She touched the back of my fingers with her fingertips making me draw them back as though they've been scalded.

"Suhaana - Please. There is nothing to talk about." I turned to leave as she pulled me again, this time more fervently.

"There is Siddhanth. Tell me what happened that night?"

"Suhaana there was an attack. And I don't know who was behind it, but what I am sure of is, my past is lurking and the lives of all those who I love is in question so I need you to leave for Delhi as soon as you can and let me handle this on my own."

"How can you be so sure of my safety back in Delhi? Whoever that this person is, if he knows about us, don't you think he would be aware of my whereabouts? What I do, where I go, with whom I live?" I looked at her face that had no other expression than bluntness etched all across. She reminded me of my Suhaana when I first saw her, and the Suhaana who walked in for the interview, the Suhaana who presented a million dollar project in front of the Dev Anands, and the Suhaana who was never afraid to call you out on your bullshit when it needs to be done, for here she was, calling me out for my utter stupidity and lack of logic behind my words.

"Tell me? Wouldn't they know it all?"

"Maybe," I said walking ahead as she followed me.

"Then why do you want to keep me away from you Siddhanth?"

"I cannot stay away from you for the love of God, what are you talking about?" I kept walking towards Aditya's office until she pulled me into the emergency exit and cornered me against a wall.

"What? What are you doing?"

"Answer me."


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