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"Utter bullshit." She took another monstrous bite from her burger.

"A medical condition that leads to preterm delivery and death."

"I'll give you 50, to cut your crap." Her words came out muffled, with a mouth full.


"And worst-case scenario, if I die, which I am sure I won't but let's just say, that I do-" She wiped her lips with a tissue before getting up from the bed.

"Can you fucking stop?"

"My child will be in perfect hands since you two are getting married."

Siddhanth looked at me as Akka had said what she had, looking into my eyes before she walked out of the room. Siddhanth hadn't been getting on my nerves for two days, I wondered what was it with him. He looked aloof, reserved, and deep into some thought. After Shobha Garu informed him about his sister's condition, there seemed to have been a switch in his energy, and why wouldn't it be so, it was a matter of life and death. Bottling up his feelings did not help when he snapped at Samira for when she was playfully arguing with Akka. Nobody knew the truth until Akka counseled him, in front of me, of course, because

"Nothing should stay a secret between husband and wife." She said when I wanted to excuse myself from their conversation.

"Future husband and wife- duh!" She said rolling her eyes when her statement made Siddhanth go poker face.

"I hate to be not going with you Suhaana-" She said with a pout when I hugged her from behind.

"Let me-" I took the jar of coffee from her hands as I kept it back into the cabinet and fetched the jar of protein powder. Well, maybe not the best in taste since it made Siddhanth want to throw up the first time he took a sip from Akka's mug, but we can't complain, it was a prescribed solution for pregnant ladies.

"Ugh! Nahi! I want to drink coffee!!!" She blared incoherent words in Telugu as I mixed a scoop of it with some water. Honestly? I loved to see her tantrums, I guess I was the only one who enjoyed inwardly.

"Three more months and you can have all the coffee you want." I smiled as she pulled herself back from me when I was about to kiss her cheek.

"Your cuteness will not work on me!" She said sipping from the mug, as a foam formed a mustache over her upper lip.

"Oh but it did," I said wiping it off with my stole.

"When will you be back Shana?" She threw her puppy face at me, as I packed a shirt.

"Just two days Akka. I promise I'll be here sooner than you'll know."

Honestly? After listening about her condition, I did not want to go. I wanted to make an excuse like, work came up or something, but Arjun had Siddhanth's number and I was sure, he would not let him live had he dawned work upon me around the time of his sister's engagement party. Poor Siddhanth would not even know why he was being at the end of such profanities by my best friend.

Something in my heart did not feel right, leaving Akka all alone in the apartment, even if it was just for half a day, I wanted to be here for her.



"Here-" She forwarded a wooden antique box to me as I kept the shirt in my hands aside. She looked at me with a smile that could light even a blind man's day. I opened the box, and there they were, the most gorgeous pair of earrings I had ever seen, and to my luck, had a chance to wear, at Aaisha's wedding.

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