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"This is why I told you to not rush things." He said making me feel a lump forming up in my throat.

"Anna, there was nothing that was rushed between us," I said wiping the tear-off of my cheek, honestly a frivolous attempt for what he said next, made it rain.

"Beggars can't be choosers Suhaana, and our fate had already been chosen. It's only right to accept it and let it have its way with us."

To hear something like that from my brother was initially a shock but then I could not blame him, he had been fighting ever since he was 11 years old.

"Anna, what are you going to tell Samira? Her father who has cancer? Her pregnant sister and - and-"

"And her brother?"

He turned as let out a mirthless chuckle, shaking his head. He proceeded to walk to the almirahs to get the rest of his stuff out, as he then packed them in his bag.

"It's time Suhaana."

"Anna, I know we are tied to our fates, but not to our destinies. We cannot do what our father chose to do twenty years ago. We cannot leave a family we are very well a part of."

"This is why I wanted to fly to London, get some air and then maybe come back and handle things."

"I am sorry Ana, but that is sounding so not you-"

"Then what do you want me to do Suhaana!" He blared sending chills down my spine, making the strings in my heart tug at one another. He must have realized the effect his words had on me as I stood there, shivering while straining to hold back my tears.

"I am sorry." He whispered as he walked up to me.

"But I want you and Amma to be safe." He kept his palm over my head as I clung to his chest, breaking down completely.

"Tell him the truth Suhaana, maybe then letting him go would be easy," He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

The truth in question was what my father demanded of me, and letting Siddhanth be known of the facts. But that would not work for I was told to stay shut. I wanted to scream out my lungs, for I was expected to leave him broken, beyond repair so that he could play his trump card at his lowest. But what about me? What was I going to do with my broken heart? Ho am I ever going to come out of this? How was I even expected to part ways from him after tearing him down to shreds because one thing was clear, my father proved to be shrewd beyond my wildest beliefs and I was definitely - so not - like him.

"I am coming with you," I whispered, before withdrawing my head from his lose embrace. Him not being against my wish twisted my heart furthermore because if not for Siddhanh, I would have liked to stay back for Akka. All the lights had been turned off in the hall, only the kitchen had been dimly lit. I heard Samira's soft sobs but I was not in a place to comfort her anymore, I mean with what was I supposed to come up with? Should I have had fed her lies?

After vaguely putting my things into the suitcase and the sling bag I had stepped in this city, which not to mention changed my life, and broke my heart, I decided to step out in the same saree I had been wearing all through the evening and the night. The saree held special sentimental value to me, I had made the best memories of my life, with the love of my life, wearing this piece of clothing gifted to me by him, so if somebody at the airport would judge me in that festive attire - they can go and kiss some ass or whatever.

I stepped out of my room, looking down as I pulled my pallu from the skirt as I attempted to straighten the crushed cloth, and realized the all was no longer dark and a specific set of eyes were piercing my existence with their intense gaze.

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