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Listen to the song, to connect deeply with the characters in this chapter.

Listen to the song, to connect deeply with the characters in this chapter

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"Your friend is not looking good, Karan, I am going to be honest -"

My eyes hurt to open as I heard faint voices from around me. The more the voices grew louder, the more the visions in my head got darker.

"WHY?!?! WHY ME!?!?"

He had said. The brown eyes I had lost my heart to, had turned into a bottomless abyss, where I could see nothing but the earnest desire, of his, to consume me until the depths of eternity, and not even leave a trace of my existence behind.

"Akka-" I wanted to say, but the words died down in my throat, as they should have, because honestly, who was I to her anyway?

The mother of her child -

I felt a sharp pain jolt down my arm, and the more I had started to remember, the more the physical pain my body got palpable. I knew my wrist was pricked by needles, and so it would have been pointless to try to get up and act out of impulse,that too when I knew there were people around me.

"Just in case you don't know, she had fainted before you had arrived. She was already dehydrated."

I had heard nothing from the latter in a long while, and so I tried to flutter open my eyes, and just as I could feel the dim light in the room reach my lids, I felt a presence get closer to me, his hand taking mine in his obviously larger one.

"Hi." I heard his words escape his lips, just like a mere cloud of air. His furrowed brows relaxed in tune with my eyelids opening up, but not fully.

"Suhaana, are you okay, how do you feel?" His grip on my hand became tighter and before I knew it, thick streams of tears had started to flow through the corner of my eyes, making me close my tired lids, and let my tears cascade freely.



"I'll raze anyone and everyone-"

"I am not going to leave whoever is responsible for this"

I heard a sob leave my parched lips, my heart too broken to be wanting to mend, you know how it gets sometimes. Sometimes, the pain engulfs and so instead of fighting, you let yourself drown, and let your heart feel all of what it truly wants to. And right now, I just felt abandoned, abandoned by yet another man, for no fault of mine. By the time Karan heard another sob, his fingers had reached the outside of my face, wiping off the fresh tears that flowed seamlessly. I wanted to withdraw my face from his touch, but with the physical pain I could feel through each and every part of my body, moving my body on my own terms felt like a distant dream.

"Why are you crying, do you need me to call someone?"


And with that I could hear the mirthless chuckle my bruised self respect had mustered, because honestly, he should be the last person I should be thinking about, if I wanted to stay alive.

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