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"Ms. Shetty, we are over the moon with the kind of response our new brand has been getting, all thanks to you and Mr. Singhania."

"Well, it was entirely your vision Mr. DevDutt, we just followed your lead."

"That's just very sweet of you, but I think it's always nice to take credit for your hard work and commitment."

I smiled as the older man took a si from his coffee. The DevDutts were here for a new project and they demanded to schedule a meeting with me, in other words, I had to be there. It seemed like Siddhanth already knew about their next project since he was quiet and very much into his phone, very unlikely of him, but never mind.

"So Ms. Shetty, I would love to hear your ideas about the fashion line. Which countries would you suggest we import our goods from?"

I side-eyed the man tapping relentlessly over the screen of his iPhone. Honestly? If it was in my power, I would have thrown that thing away.

"Ms. Shetty?"

"Mr. DevDutt, Why not think about it the other way round?"

"What do you mean?

"I feel your fashion line must be diverse, so why not begin with our own country and we can export the products all over the world. Why not inspire brands all over the world to import goods from us, instead of thinking of importing stuff from them?"

"Interesting. I really like the way you think, Ms. Shetty. You are going to go a long way."

"Thank you so much, sir."

I took a glance at my watch and it showed I only had an hour to reach the airport or else I'd miss the flight. To think that Siddhanth had caused this meeting at this point in time would be wrong for the way he panicked before welcoming his client and to represent his best self in front of them suggested that he was innocent.

"I would love a presentation by you, Ms. Shetty. Why not schedule it for next week? My team and I will be thrilled to get an insight."

Aiyo! Today is Friday, which means I have to pour everything I have over the weekend to prepare for the meeting next week.

Siddhanth! Say something!

"Mr. Singhania-", The older man now turned to Siddhanth who placed the cell phone over the mahogany seek before offering his attention"-what do you think of it?"

"Sounds good to me."

This man is evil.

Mr.DevDutt insisted on leaving but this man, right here, invited him over for lunch. Sometimes, you gotta woman up and say what you gotta say, or else people like Siddhanth make you almost leave your flight.

"Mr. DevDutt, I hope you don't mind, but I have a flight to catch in exactly forty minutes-"

"Oh, I am so sorry dear to keep you busy with things, sure you must leave as soon as possible. Wait, let me tell my driver to drop you off at the airport."

"That's very kind of you sir, but I think I'll take a cab-"

"I insist." He smiled politely before I nodded in response.

Someone had been keenly observing the conversation without a word, making me glare at him. Why was he acting that way, I mean, I could have used some words. Mr. DevDutt fished his cell phone out of his pocket while I felt Siddhanth's eyes bore into me.

Was he mad at me?

His lips stretched into a slight smile, making me feel easier about the situation, or should I be scared?

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