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You kissed him.

I kissed him.

Suhaana? Bold move huh?

I kissed? him.

You kissed him?

I kissed...him?

You? Kissed him?

Oh my god. I kissed him.

I tossed and turned in bed after a sleepless night. Things worsened for me knowing that he is sleeping just across the hall, with my brother. I craved for him, his presence, his lips.

You're a pervert.

I shook my head thinking of the moments we shared the last night. The way I called out his name only intensified our moments. God knows I didn't want it to end.

Wow. Who knew this side of me.

Well I guess, it's fine to...want to be near...someone you loved.

Dangerously close.

How do I face him now that I had confessed my heart to him? Is it going to change things between us? I facepalmed myself for the idiocy my question screamed of.

I got up quietly, being aware of Samira who slept next to me. Akkahad a zoom call last night, which is why Samira decided to sleep in peace with me. She kept glancing at me mischievously as I tried to keep busy, dodging the questions she threw at me through her naughty smile and questioning eyes.

"How come is it only 5 am?" I let out a sigh, not knowing what to do next. The rains must have flooded the local complex, which made the option of going for a run, out of the question.

I walked out of the room, trying to make as little noise as possible, shutting it carefully behind me. I could hear some noises in the kitchen as a smile crept on my lips, making me want to expect the person I was hoping to see. My heartbeat felt unusual as I took small steps to the kitchen, not knowing what would I do if I saw him.

"Good morning," I whispered leaning against the door frame as I saw him pouring coffee in a mug. I noticed a smile being placed on his lips before he raised his head, to look at me.

"Good morning." He forwarded the mug to me as I shook my head. He took out another mug from the cabinet, pouring half of the coffee in it before handing it to me. I smiled taking it from his hands as he leaned against the counter.

After a few restless and quiet moments, amid which I made sure to steal glances from him, I decided to talk to make this less miserable.

"So no sleep?" We both let out in unison, causing us to share a laugh. He sipped from his mug as his intense gaze felt penetrating through me. I shied away from his eyes as I felt warmth rush through my cheeks.

"How does one sleep, when a certain someone had done such damage to their thinking abilities?" His husky voice sent shivers down my spine as he walked closer to me.

I looked at him as his eyes bore into me, before resting on my lips. I pulled my face away from him as I tried to walk past him, making him block my way. I nervously bit my lip as he let out a soft chuckle, before freeing my way and leaning against the adjacent counter. I filled a glass of water as he watched me sip from it, our eyes not leaving each other's sight, not for a moment.

He cleared his throat, breaking our intense gazing session making me blink a few times to come back to the present.

"I have to go to a local village today with Baba. Would you be able to manage at the office or would you like to work from home?"

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