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Not wanting to be dramatic, but my hand shook a little as it held the stupid purple box which made a horrendous sound at 4 am. I was a bit hesitant to open it up, I mean, what could it hold, all this was new. I know I am a twenty-eight-year-old man but a pregnancy kit just alarmed me. Because let's get our facts clear here -

My elder sister can't be pregnant, she is single.

Suhaana can't be pregnant because - well.

Samaria can't be preg - FUCK NO! She is my baby sister. She was too little to have a baby of her own. Plus she was just engaged and to think that she had participated in any adult activities made me want to throw up.

I sat on the toilet lid as I stared at the kit. I did not know what could have been there. I did not want to know what was in there. What if there was the stick that had already been used and it showed results?

Why would anyone keep it back?

What if someone wanted to hide the result?

This meant someone was definitely expecting, and if not, someone had done some activity that could make them expect. My eyes widened at the mere thought of that. I prayed for it to not be Samira, but then again it could not be my girlfriend, but Akka was sing-

My thought process came to a tragic halt as I heard someone throw up and cry, all at the same time, behind the wall I sat next to. Akka and my washrooms were attached, which meant the sounds came from her bathroom. You see, her apartment may have three bedrooms and two bathrooms, but still, it was very little for somebody to keep secrets like these.

I stood up on my feet, almost crashing down until I took the help of the glass divider between the shower and the basin. I trudged my way into the washing area, from where I could hear the voices coming from the other side more distinctly.

"'s fine...Here is some water." I heard the same mellifluous voice that of my girlfriend.

A low whimper made its way to my ears, signaling that my sister had been crying - more like mourning over something that had absolutely crushed her heart.

Soumya never cried. Not that crying was for the weak but she had always been like Suhaana, maybe an upgraded version of her - sunshine and smiles and pollyanna. For my sister, there was always a way out, and it was all a God's plan, and everything must fall into place, and the Universe blessed those who believed and -

"I cannot do this-" I heard her say.

"We are okay Akka, get up- shhh, I am here-"

"I am alone. All alone. I cannot do this-"


"I think it is for the best if I terminate this pregnancy."

Shushed whispers and comments made in a low baritone were then made, all incoherent for me to understand. Unknowingly and not, my body slid against the wall, as my head felt like it would explode with so much information. My heart wanted to smile, I was going to be an uncle. After the kind of day that I had, to know that I am going to be an uncle, made me forget it all. My eyes could only see a little palm holding onto my finger, I could only listen to my sister's laughter and that of her baby, I could only see my parents lift the baby up and around, I could hear Suhaana's giggles and I could see Samira's possessiveness for the child. I could see Rudra's silent but obvious love for him or her. I could see a family not so broken.

I had fallen asleep in the shower. My head still hurt from last night, I felt my stomach touch my backbone, it felt I had forgotten the taste of water and food. A little smile crept over my lips as my thought went to what I had been thinking of before I had been knocked off my weary body.

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