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Trehan Ji looked apprehensive. He sat there for what felt like minutes, that would turn into hours had I not asked him what was wrong.

"Mr. Singhania, earlier our sources had informed us that Ashok is indulged in some illegal business. After you rejected his offer, he might plan to take you down." Trehan Ji began wiping the sweat off his forehead. I could understand his concern for me, but I couldn't give in to Ashok's offer just because he was possibly planning to avenge me.

"Trehan Ji, then tell me, what should be our next step?" I asked, trying to come up with a constructive strategy.

"Mr. Singhania, whatever that you'll do, will be the best for our company. I just want you to take care and be alert. Moreover, Ashok is reaching out to big names, to form alliances, so that he could then buy shares from our company, to be a member of the board." Trehan Ji fumbled with his hands.

Suhaana knocked on the door and Trehan Ji looked at me. I assured him that it'd be fine discussing the matters in front of her, while Trehan Ji still looked unconvinced.

"Coffee for Mr. Singha...Oh, hello Trehan Ji. I didn't know you were here." She smiled politely.

"I...I was just leaving mam."

"Please don't call me 'mam' Trehan Ji. And, I can wait outside, if you guys are discussing something important." Suhaana said, looking at me.

I smiled at her. "No Suhaana. Please take your seat. Also, give me my coffee." I faked a frown.

"You get your own coffee, this one is for Trehan Ji." She smiled, forwarding the cup to him.

He looked humbled. "Ms. Shetty. That is very sweet of you. Thank You."

Suhaana gave him a cheery smile before settling back in her chair. I looked at her thinking how adorable everything about her is. She eyed me, signaling for me to get back to work. I shook my head.

"Trehan Ji. I think we should focus on our work, align with trustworthy companies that work on principles rather than politics and money, and concentrate on continuing Baba's legacy. We have a lot of work to do." I said assuringly.

"You are just like Prajapati Ji. You're right. We have to make him proud." Trehan Ji looked relieved.

He got up to leave, handing me the files for our presentation scheduled for the afternoon with the DevAnands. Suhaana would be a part of this too. So I began compiling the necessary documents while she worked on our presentation.

The DevAnands arrived shortly after lunch. I hated to admit that I felt nervous. Had this been all me, I think I would have gone in, presented our plan, and be done with it. But today, I didn't just represent myself, there were two more people I had to think about before I put out anything in front of our clients. One, who had been working for our company for 40 years, tirelessly - my Baba. His core values and hard work had driven SubahDev Corporations all his life and it was now my turn to get into the driver's seat. And the one, who might have been the latest addition to our company, but had been putting her best work forward persistently, as if her life depended on it - My Suhaana.

I drew in a few deep breaths when a familiar scent began calming my agitated senses. She brushed her fingers gently with the back of my hand, and held it, smiling at me. It felt as if the Sun himself has risen through her eyes and smile, radiating love and light. She nodded, assuringly.

"We'll do amazing." I let out softly.

"You'll make your Baba proud." She said,

I felt warm tears fill my eyes and warmth inside my chest. That one sentence made me feel invincible. I felt like I could do anything and I thanked her a thousand times, mentally, before we led towards the hall.

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