Cameron Dallas

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My feet were hurting, but I kept running. I was covered in sweat, blood and tears. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was about to burst. I couldn’t think straight, my thoughts were blurry. Branches were scratching my face and tearing my clothes apart. I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. I was running for my life and I knew I would be dead if I lost this chase. I didn’t see anything, it was pitch-dark. I didn’t know whereto I was running, my feet carried me through the forest. I could hear the engine of the van and the man’s screams and they weren’t that far away. Suddenly I  tripped and fell down. A sharp pain shot through my body making me cry out. I held my foot and tried to crawl forward. Tears were streaming down my face and I was fearing for my life. I was probably going to die. I could no longer tell Cameron that I loved him. I could no longer thank him for every time he had made me laugh. I could no longer look in his beautiful eyes and feel safe. I could no longer stay up with him all night and eat chips in front of the TV. I could no longer have serious conversations with him at 3 am. Suddenly I realized how much I loved my life. How much I loved Cameron and how lucky I was to have someone like him. I realized how little I had appreciated my life. I had always complained about the smallest things instead of enjoying the moment and be happy about the fact that I was alive. That I had an amazing family and the best boyfriend you could ask for. I realized how I had taken things for granted and how I always had thought that everything would stay that way. I realized how I had never considered the fact that everything could change within the shortest period of time. Wow. I realized what life was about. It was about appreciating things. It was about being happy with the things you had. It was about enjoying the moment, enjoying the things that were right now, because everything could be gone the next day. 


"I just left the club. Yeah, I’m gonna be home in like 15 minutes! Yes, Cam, see you then. Bye!" I hung up and put my phone back in my purse. I was on my way home from a girl night out in the club and my boyfriend Cameron had called me to make sure I was okay. It was about 3 am and I was pretty tired and wanted nothing more than to get back to my house and cuddle with Cameron. The sound of my heels on the cobbled street was the only thing I heard, besides me nobody was outside. Suddenly a car turned into the street. I quickly turned to walk on the sidewalk to let the car through. However, the car didn’t pass. It just slowed down and drove on. I turned my head confused to see what was going on. It was a black van with darkened windows. All of a sudden I felt uncomfortably and walked faster. My breathing became heavier and I started to sweat. I turned my head once again and saw that the car had stopped. I sighed in relief, but didn’t slow down. Then someone slammed the car door, making me jump. What was going on here? A man got out of the car and started walking towards me. I broke out in a cold sweat and walked even faster. My hands were shaking and I couldn’t think straight. The man started to run. That’s when I knew what was going on. I started running, too, but it wasn’t easy to run in heels. I took them off as fast as possible, but it was too late.

Tears were streaming down my face as I was lying on the ground. I didn’t want to die. I wanted to be alive. Suddenly something changed in my head. Even though my foot hurt like hell I got up. I couldn’t stand on it, but I tried my best to keep going. Holding onto trees and branches I made my way through the forest. I wanted nothing more than to survive.

"WHERE IS SHE?" As soon as I heard Cameron’s voice down the floor I jumped to my feet. When he came round the corner nothing could stop me. Not even my sprained ankle. I ran into his arms and wrapped my arms around him. He was crying. I was crying. We were both crying into each other’s shoulders. Tears of joy rolled down my face and I sobbed violently. I’ve never had a moment like this before. I’ve never felt the things that I was feeling at this moment. At this moment it didn’t matter, what had happened. At this moment everything was blanked out. At this moment I realized what my life meant to me. I dug my nails into Cameron’s back, not wanting to let him go. I was unable to speak. Looking back on it I’m sure I didn’t want to speak either. The hug, the tears. It spook for itself. 

It’s been a year since that happened. Our relationship was as strong as never before. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned to never take things for granted. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things. I’ve learned to appreciate life. My life. And everything that came with it. 


*creds to tumblr*

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