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"Your proposal for a non-profit organization seemed great, Mr. Thirupathi," I said as he smiled, taking a sip from his coffee. "-but weren't you supposed to partner with Subah Ddev Corporations for this project?"

I shut close the file as he leaned back in his chair, a complacent look on his face.

"Well-" he picked his coffee mug from the mahogany desk, "- I did. But going through your profile and the kind of achievements you have up your sleeve, I want to partner with you, personally."

"While I appreciate the compliment, I think-"

He licked his bottom lip, "Do you think you are not good enough for this project Ms. Shetty?"


"I asked if you deem yourself as inept to handle this project because I need a firm hand to be put into this, and secondly, I cannot do business with someone who is not sure of herself."

Deep breaths Suhaana. Deep breaths.

"I need the construction to begin as soon as possible and I have all the plans ready to go ahead with it. Since my hospital is going to be situated in Delhi, and while SubahDev is impeccable at what they do, I wondered why not get along with you, I mean unless-"

He said putting his mug down, "-You think you're not ready."

To infuriate a calm person like me, required a lot of effort and yet it would hardly bother me but here, I was seething. The audacious man, sitting right in front of me, in my office, had the capacity to talk like that, and I wondered if violence was the answer today.

"Well, I am sorry if that came out as rude, I just thought of you as a talented young businesswoman." He uttered, maybe my glare worked, maybe he realized how impudent he sounded.

"-Because I am," I said calmly.

"Great, in that case, should I consider you onboard?"

This man making decisions for me is not what I signed up for today.

"Mr. Thirupathi, I have a lot on my plate right now, and I cannot give you a date-"

"That should be fine, I mean not that I want my building tomorrow, Rome wasn't built in a day-"

"I will have to go through the copies of the plans for your project."

The corner of his lips stretched as he nodded curtly before forwarding another folder to me. He pulled out a fountain pen from the pocket inside his checked blazer, forwarding it to me.

"I am going to need you to sign a contract Ms. Shetty, that says that the details of our project must stay confidential, or there will be a penalty."

What the fuck does this guy think of himself, I don't think I can work with such a rude ass-

"And here is cheque," He slid his checkbook from across the table, which I got hold of right in time before it slipped down from the desk, "- any number you want Ms. Shetty. And we can proceed with the rest."

I drew in an evident deep breath, as he looked at me expectantly. Maybe that was his way around in business on any other day, but not today.

"While I know my time and efforts are worthy, I do not appreciate the way you have been making this deal ever since you have started to speak."

"'I am sorry?" He cocked his brow up, his lips wearing off the smirk he had pulled up earlier.

"You should be. Mr.Thirupathi, I do not care how well established or renowned you are, there are certain core values one must always work with." I said, picking up his checkbook and placing it on his stack of folders.

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