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Being walked into Siddhanth's sports car by two gigantic men was not the exact superstar moment for me to rejoice at. I didn't know from where those two had emerged and before I knew it, I was being droved to my, I mean our humble apartment with two bodyguards and a driver. The men got down first to make sure it was safe for me. I shook my head but appreciated their sincerity towards their job as I walked out of the car. I turned around to see men stand with their hands crossed in front of them, alongside the car.

"Would they be here all night?" I wondered taking the elevators as I rummaged my bag for my phone expecting Siddhanth to have called, but to my utter disappointment, nothing. Not a thing.

"That's alright. He must be busy." I said to myself as I couldn't deny the intensity with which I missed him.

I plopped into my bed in our unusually quiet apartment. Anna and Samira had gone to her friend's wedding while Akka had left for Jaipur. I had never been alone since I was a kid, so this was definitely new. Was I scared? Honestly? Nope. After what happened the last time when I was alone in this apartment, what could be worse than that? I shook away his thoughts before they could scare me away, and hopped into the shower.

I took my own sweet time for I had no one to attend or talk to. Lathering my lavender and vanilla shampoo along with my tresses, not gonna lie, the hot shower did help with my cold and fever. The mango and strawberry body wash was something I was yet to try courtesy to my elder brother. I thanked Samira mentally for having trained my brother into the girly stuff as the fragrance calmed my nerves and the steam-filled room, helped me breathe.

I got out, wrapping a towel around me, and letting down my waist-long hair which I felt too lazy to blowdry. The grumbling sound coming from inside y tummy suggested that I must get to work before I order a pizza.

Or should I just order a pizza?

Nah. I had the kitchen all to myself and I wasn't going to let go of this one golden opportunity. I changed into my shirt and pajamas and headed straight to the kitchen, drying my hair with the towel along the way. I tied my hair into a towel hat and got to work. Placing the wok on the stove, memories of the last time did cloud my mind before I decided to take in a few deep breaths to calm myself.

If I saw him this time, I'll just tell him...I'll tell him...I'll tell my own fath-tch! Nevermind.

I had never felt so proud of myself as I placed the rasam and rice on the dining table. My cold was better not completely gone, and thankfully the guards had been kind enough to get me some lemongrass on our way back home. I got myself a mug and dived into the comforting food, eating every morsel with my fingers, a long time since I had eaten the traditional way.

I washed the dishes, making myself a grand cup of chai, easing into the couch to watch some Netflix - which again, was not usual of me. But then, what else could have I done in an empty house. I felt relief wash over me as the ginger tea just added to the effects of the lemongrass tea and before I knew it, I felt no lump in my throat and the headache had eased itself out of my system. My mind slandered to the man I saw the other day and then against today, who helped out every time he saw me like he knew exactly what I had on my mind.

What if he's someone hired him to keep a watch on me? I stopped midway while surfing Netflix when I shook my head, realizing what I did, next.

Che! What's to watch off me in the first place. Not that I am some secret agent or that I have a thousand and one lies to keep and hide - like him. If his men are indeed keeping a watch on me, they are in to get real bored - real quick, real soon.

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