Chapter 26.) Road to Recovery

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It was the same day but a little after 6:30 and Renae was currently packing a few things for King. She had called Dajon earlier for advice and also for help with what she had planned the moment King had fallen asleep. If he wanted them to work things out, he was going to have to put on his big boy pants and just follow her lead. She tried to follow his lead by allowing him to do the outpatient treatments and he couldn't even stick to that. Now, she was doing it her way, as she promised; he was going to an in-patient rehab for thirty days. If they had to take him, kicking and screaming, she would but she wasn't going to watch him ruin his life just because they weren't together at the moment.

She tried to have patience and tried to do things his way and have faith that he would do things right, but that was done. The first strike was when he refused to let her throw out the alcohol and the final strike was when he showed up at the studio drunk. Knowing that she was too stressed out to do the research, Dajon and Bryson had researched a few rehabilitation centers around the way and settled on two. After making calls, asking questions, and reading reviews, the facility with the fewer reviews seemed to have won them over.

"I'm going to leave before he wakes up... I don't want to see him like dat," Karen's voice interrupted Renae's thoughts and quiet ranting.

Placing the folded sweater into the luggage, Renae gazed at Karen for a moment then furrowed her brows. Something's been bothering her for quite some time and it seemed as if today was the best time to ask.

"How long did you know about his problem?" she asked.

Karen zipped up her coat and leaned against the door, "About a year."

Renae tilted her head and folded her arms, "And you didn't think to say anything or get him help?"

Karen frowned, "One moment you all don't want my input and tha' next, I get persecuted for not involving myself. I am confused."

Renae went to speak then caught herself and chuckled before taking a well-needed deep breath. "He's your son... it was clear that since we were separated, you should have and had the right to intervene when you realized he had a problem."

"Well, what about everyone else who knows?"

"I'm talking about you," Renae pointed at her for extra emphasis. "You live here with him. Dajon works, my dad works, you live here with him which is why I do not believe you've only known about this for a year. Come on now, King is good at hiding things but not that damn good."

"He said he had it under control and I wasn't always here. I hated being around him whenever he was drunk because he acted like his father-"

"Don't you dare," Renae cut her off, "I wasn't around but you are out of line trying to compare an alcoholic to a drug addict, who you said was abusive."

Karen stared at her crazily, "And you think you know what I had to deal with from his father? How do you know Kingston wasn't acting just like Micah?"

"Are you serious?" Renae's eyes widened in shock. "Are you really going to stand here and compare your only child to an abusive, drug addict? Seriously? Why is it every time he needs help, you are always in the shadows watching him hang himself?"

"Excuse you?!" Karen entered the room.

Renae walked toward her and folded her arms, "Am I wrong?"

"Yes!" Karen snapped. "I can't believe you would say something like dat... to me of all people!"

Renae stared at her funny then tilted her head, "It's the fact that you honestly think that you have never watched him sink further and further from a distance. I know I wasn't a perfect wife, but come on now, Karen, be real... really," Renae blinked in annoyance.

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