the day after pt 2

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me: i pulled the trigger.. let me clean this mess up before i get caught.

i sat my phone down turning the camera so mattia can see me. i put some gloves on and grabbed a huge trash bag. i slipped his body in there and i cleaned up the blood.

before i tied the bag i checked his pulse and he wasnt breathing or his heart wasn't beating so he was dead.

i shrugged my shoulders and i grabbed my phone and dragged the body to the car we never use. which was our first one.

i threw his body in the backseat, i quickly grabbed my keys and drove to a place where noone could see me burn him.

mattia was still on the phone with me so when i got there i told him, what i was gonna do. i got out the car and threw his body on the ground with new pairs of gloves on. i took off the gloves i had on and threw them over the bag.

i ran to the car, opened the passenger door sat my phone down. i grabbed some matches snd lit them  and threw them over the bag where his body was.

and there it was. i murdered my ex. i threw his body in a trashbag and i burned him whole.

(mattias pov)

damn. im so proud of them. like she really did it. and they're really smart so she can hide anything without getting caught.

i remember there was a lake not far from here so i picked up the ashes. got in the car and threw them into into the lake. i smiled and felt the relief.

i drove home without looking back.

i washed my hands, mopped the floor, made me a snack and went to bed.

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