the plan pt 3

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t: "just relax alr?" he said rubbing his hand up and down my thigh

i lowkey felt butterflies, because even though we're lifelong friends it still felt good for some odd reason?

he sat closer to me and i felt the tension in my gut, he leaned in and i wanted to push away from him but i couldn't.

i felt his lips crash into mine, it was so wrong.. but it felt so right..

they always say dont play fire with fire.. but this was good fire. we sat there and kissed which felt so long but we only kissed for two minutes.

i quickly pulled away having a panic attack.. what if mattia found out?

t: "its ok.. just relax.."

i nodded.

i wasn't relaxing.

i had remembered.

t never snitched, he really doesn't know mattia so he wouldn't tell.

i calmly walked out of his room and ran to mine. i saw a couple of missed calls and text from mattia.

mattia <3
you better not be fucking kairi.

i was busy im sorry. i was checking out the house with ale. i got an airbnb.

read: 6:43 am

i called ale for him to bring over robert and kairi, my plan is coming together. i really wasn't panicking about anything at all. this is what i wanted.

(20 mins later)

they came over and they checked out the house for a little bit and i told them why i called them over. they were down with it, and so was t.

i had my camera packed to so i can record everything, so i had 3 of my girlfriends in LA come over. my plan was working. and yes was i happy.

we all went into the living room getting ready for tonight i had set up ropes and outfits ready for all of us.

"now what goes on tonight or any other time.. stays between all of us aight."

they nodded.

now let the fun begin.

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