car vibes.

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(third pov)

"mattia.. nai said softly, wanna go on a midnight drive with me?"

mattias smiled nodding at the shorter girl while she looked up at him with a adorable facial expression.

"throw on a decent outfit since im dressed decently."

"okay imma meet you downstairs just wait for me aight"

"mhm k" nai smiled kissing him on the cheek.

walking downstairs she saw princess laying on the couch, nai smiled a little going over to play with her since mattia hasn't bought his dog yet and she hasnt had time or felt like pampering her a lil.

as the teenager played with princess giving her a bunch of kisses while the puppy gave some back, mattia walked downstairs smiling at them but she didnt notice until he went behind the couch laying his head on her shoulder.

"cmon you ready?" the taller boy said in a soft voice.

"yeah lemme just feed her first" nai smiled holding princess in her arms like a baby.

the shorter girl got up going to the kitchen to make princesses food, once she was finnished giving her some water along with it nai picked her up laying her on the couch under some blankets.

she left a kiss on her head walking away twoards the garage grabbing the keys to her truck.

mattia followed nai but she made it inside her truck already.

"you walk fast to be so short" mattia giggled.

"omg.. i was just rushing cause i got a whole playlist to blast because your music is ass" nai said putting the key in the ignition starting it.

mattia rolled his eyes walking twoards the passenger door looking annoyed, he hopped in the truck getting on his phone texting ale cause she glanced at the contact name.

nai also got a little glimpse of what he had sent to ale.

mattia: imma fight your little sister.. she's annoying asf.
ale: k shes being a virgo let her be her.
mattia: ok idc.
ale: yall are both earth signs so whats the problem.
mattia: she said my playlist was trash.
ale: .. i swear u get mad of the dumbest shit ever.
mattia: k and? your bringing zodiacs into this for what?
ale: idk she criticizes everyone but id never thought she would criticize you tho.
mattia: but she pissed me off tho.
ale: .. just stfu she doesn't mean it.
mattia: ok.. her playlist is ass but imma just be nice.

"just to be honest i promise i was joking mattia. you get so mad for no reason" nai sighed rolling her eyes.

"so you act like that's not also you?" mattia glared

"no i dont get mad easily..." nai lied.

"you smell like fish and you have terrible style" mattia teased.

"okay so you wanna go there? nai said in a angry tone, so we aint gon act like yo head was built like a fucking pear in one point in your life. also arent you canceled? also how many white bitches have you fucked?? surprisingly you dont have anything-" nai said yelling a bit.

"see you get mad easily.. dont deny it" the taller boy laughed slouching a little

"ok idc lets go we've been here for a while." she said putting the truck in reverse.

(play music)

nai grabbed her phone then started to play Montreal By  The Weeknd.

"oh here we go the weeknd" mattia said in a annoyed ass tone rolling his eyes.

"first off.. how did you know?" nai looked surprised.

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