the plan pt 2

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once i hung up the phone i walked upstairs to grab my suitcase out of my closet. i quickly booked a flight to la before i put clothes in the suitcase.

my flight was leaving tmorrow so i put all my stuff in the suitcase that i needed for 5 nights including my mini backpack with some "essentials". i realized i was forgetting some things so i went downstairs grabbing mattias truck keys and i went to walmart and another store.

first i went to walmart to grab some travel sized lotion, deodorant, hand sanitizer, extra mask ect. and i grabbed some snacks too. once i left walmart i went to a special store to grab 6 items that were needed for this trip. once i left there i went to the mall to buy some shoes and a little more clothes for the trip too.

i came back home going upstairs to pack the rest of my stuff. and oh.. did i mention i bought an extra ticket.. its not for mattia its for my best friend which who i will reveal in a while.

i texted him saying i bought an extra plane ticket for us to go to la he was down with it. and i rented a airbnb down there too.

i went downstairs to see that mattia was sleeping. so i walked back upstairs in my personal room to play on my xbox till i felt tired. soon enough i checked my phone and it was 1am so i went to sleep on my couch.

(6 hours later)

i heard good days go off as my alarm. i woke up to go get in the shower. and throw on some clothes. i called my best friend and told him be ready cause our flight leaves in a hour.

i hurried and wrote a note putting in on the bathroom mirror because he goes there first

"ill be back in 5 days love you" the note said

i walked out of the bathroom leaving a kiss on his forehead then leaving with my bags. i called ari to drop us off at the airport.

soon we picked him up and we were on out way there, mattia eventually woke up and texted me.

M: where you going?
Me: on a trip with ale ill see you in 5 days alr?
read 6:45 am

she dropped us off. we said our goodbyes and we headed in to get our bags checked in we could keep our mini backpacks. but not our suitcases.

we sat and waited for our flight i had my airpods in listening to music then it was time for us to go. we boarded the plane and we were on our way to la!

(6 hours and 10 mins later)

we arrived in la. i called an uber to drop us off at our airbnb. we arrived there and unpacked our things in our rooms.


i know im one month pregnant but.. that doesn't matter rn.

i halfway unpacked my stuff before i went to go "check" on my friend.

he had unpacked the majority of his things but i went in there anyways to go bother him.

me: "heyy"
t: "yoo" he said back.
me: "take a break from packing lets talk" i said smirking a little.
t:"okay cool" he said putting his shoes down
me. "so um did you know?" i said softly
t:"know about what?"
me: "he cheated on me at a party.. and i just found out yesterday from ale."
t: "was it the halloween party?"
me: "yea."
t: "well.. lemme make it up to you. nai, you need something to make you feel better and i can do that" he said grabbing my thigh.
me:"but im pregnant." i yelled moving his hand
t: its ok.. just relax alr?

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