kiddnapped pt 3

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i got a phone call the next morning from an unknown number..

of course i answered it.

unknown: hello?

me: who is this?

unknown: doesn't matter, i wanted to inform you on something.
me: okay go ahead..

unknown: so the day you got kidnapped was a set up by one of your friends. well you can call them ex friends now.

me: and how do you know?

unknown: well because they told me and begged me not to tell you. so like theres another set up coming but i want to tell you what to do before it happens.

me: okay

unknown: so tmorrow night at the same time jay will kidnap you again but to prevent it i want you to.

1: lock everything.
2: don't answer any doors.
3: try to stay asleep once you hear noise at the door or anywhere else in the house.
4: just in case if he makes it in the house just make sure you have a weapon under your pillow.
5: make sure your security system is on at all times if you have any.
6: be safe.

me: okay i will follow all these steps.

unknown: okay cool i just wanted to let you know and also make sure you keep in contact with me by texting me.

me: i will, thanks also whats your name.

unknown: lena

me: okay lena thanks.

lena: no problem :)

(call ended)

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