Chapter 40

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Sam said" Where's Bobby?"
Dean said" In town. Supply run."
" In this?" It was storming, really bad, Bobby's a hero!
" Man is a hero. We are officially out of hunter's helper," He held up the empty whiskey bottle," And River tamer." He held up a Crunch wrapper, The electricity crackled, then I heard wings.
Balthazar said" Hello, boys." He walked past us," You've seen The Godfather, right?"
" Balthazar?"
" You know, the end when Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one bloody swoop."
" Hey."
" Dead Sea brine. Good, good, good." He poured it into a bowl," Then Moe Greene gets hit in the eye. Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door."
" I said, hey."
" You did. Twice. Good for you. Blood of lamb. Blood of lamb." Then he was at the fridge," Beer, cold pizza, blood of lamb." He pulled out a jar," Yes. Blood of lamb."
Sam said" Why are you talking about The Godfather."
" We're in it right now. Tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone: the archangel Raphael."
Dean said" Mind telling us what you mean?"
" No, no, no. No, no, no." He poured out a drawer then opened the false bottom, I tilted my head." Yes. Bone of a lesser saint. This vertebra will do very nicely. Your Mr. Singer does keep a beautiful pantry."
" Wait. Raphael is after you?"
" Raphael is after us all. You see, he consolidated his strength and now he's on the move."
Sam said" And where's Cas?"
" Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So good old Raphie put out a hit list... on every last samaritan who helped our dear Cas. Including both of you. And so much more importantly, me. See, he wants to draw Cas out in the open."
" You expect us to just believe you?"
" Oh, don't. You'll go where I throw you, either way."
Dean said" What's that supposed to mean?"
" And that's all the time we have, gentlemen." He walked to us," Where is it?" He lifted his jacket and there was a huge blood stain,
" Oh, what happened there?"
" Oh, garish, I know. You see, Uncle Raphie sent one of his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered, actually. And down a lung, at the moment, but that's all right. Here's for you." He handed Sam a key, what's going on?
Sam said" What am I supposed to do with this?"
" Run with it." Then he was slung back, then an angel walked in," Virgil. I said run!" Then we were flung through the window....

We landed on a pad,
A man said" Cut!" I looked at Sam and Dean, tilting my head, I'm really confused and really dizzy. I stood up, Sam and Dean looked around,
Sam said" So no angels?"
Dean said" No angels, I think."
" Should we be killing anybody?"
" I don't think so."
I said" Running?"
" Where?" I looked at them, now I'm getting scared... I shuffled closer to my brothers. Sam picked up a piece of glass but it was rubber,
A man said" That's a wrap on Jared, Jensen and Elliot."
Sam said" Who the hell are Jared and Jen-"
A woman said" Jared. Three minutes, okay? Great." She grabbed Sam's arm and led him away, Dean and I followed,
Dean said" Where are we going?"
Another woman said" Jensen, there you are. Let's just get you in the chair." She led him away, another woman walked up to me.
She said" Come on, sweetie, let's go find you a snack." She grabbed my hand and led me away from my brothers.
I said" But- huh?" My head really hurts, I'm really confused, and I really want my brothers!

I got away from the lady, I figured we're in an alternate dimension, and our lives back  home is a tv show. My... well, my name is Elliot Colson here. Dean's Jensen Ackles and Sam's Jared Padelecki. I'm really confused and my brain is trying to break out of my skull.
I ran up to Sam and Dean as they were headed into a trailer, I latched onto Dean's stomach.

We walked into the trailer,
Dean said" Dude, I have a helicopter."
Sam said" Whoa. All right, who puts a 300-gallon aquarium in their trailer?"
" Apparently, Jensen Ackles."
" All right. Here we go. Let's see who this guy is." I leaned against Sam as he sat down at the laptop,
" Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on tv. Oh, come on. Look at these male-modeling sons of bitches. Nice Blue Steel, Sam."
" Hey, apparently it's our job. All right. Here it goes. Says you're from Texas."
" Really?"
" Yeah. And, uh... Oh. Says you were on a soap opera."
" What?" I tilted my head, Sam looked at Dean, Sam turned the laptop as Dean walked over. We watched the scene, yuck! I looked at Dean, then Dean shut the laptop," Don't like this universe, Sammy. We need to get out of this universe."
" Yeah. No argument here. But I don't think our prayers are reaching Cas. Or the real Cas."
" Well, I agree. I think we are definitely out of soul-phone range but..."
" What?" Dean grabbed a pad and a marker,
" If we can reverse Balthazar's spell. I watched every move. If we just get the ingredients, right? Get back to that same window and..." He showed us the symbol Balthazar used," There's no place like home." I got dizzy and Sam's hand stopped me from falling." Riv?" My eyes started to close,
" River? Hey!" My eyes snapped open, I looked at them, everything felt pins and needles, and wobbly.
" Hey, River, talk to us, come on!"
I mumbled" I don't feel good, De..." I felt blood slid down my lips,
" River!"
" I wanna go home. Home. Home."
Sam said" River, hey, everything's gonna be okay. Don't try and use your-" I passed out.

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