Chapter 35

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We walked into the place we're squatting at, we just delivered a monster to demons. Well, they did, I fell asleep.
Dean said" No, man, screw it. I'm done."
Sam said" Calm down."
" We've been going on these freakin' Crowley runs... and it's not getting us anywhere."
" Dean-"
" The only thing that's really changed is now I need a daily rape shower."
" Okay, you're right. Let's go with plan B. Oh, yeah, we don't have one. So till we do, sorry, dude, stock up on soap on a rope. Dean, if you wanna get my soul back, that's what we gotta do, okay?"
" Yeah. You even want it back?"
" I'm working for Crowley, aren't I?"
" Yeah, well, who says he's gonna hold up his end, you know?" I was grabbed, I breathed heavily, the ground started shaking. Then I was hit over the head, everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair, I saw Sam and Dean, they woke up too.
Dean said" What now?"
Sam said" I think I know who you can ask." I saw Meg,
" Evil bitch."
Meg said" Keep sweet-talking me. This could go a whole new direction."
" Meg. I've been dying to see you again."
" Well, here I am, big boy. So, what should we do now?"
" How about I rip you to shreds?"
" Kinky, I like. But a little Q&A first, if you don't mind. Now, where's your boss?" Sam scoffed,
He said" You think we work for somebody?"
" I happen to know for a fact... you've been juggling Crowley's orphans. Now, where is he?"
" Don't know, don't care."
" But you've been working his beat for months."
" Doesn't mean we get face time."
" Where does he take all those things you snatch up for him? I bet you an all-day sucker that's where His Majesty's holed up. Okay, officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me or I please myself." She had a knife to Dean's neck, Sam laughed.
Dean said" Something funny, Sam?"
Sam said" Yeah. Meg."
" Really? Because where I'm sitting-"
" Don't worry, she can't do jack squat. She's totally screwed."
" Sam, not helping."
" Look at her, Dean. She's furious. If she could kill you, she'd have done it by now. She's running."
Meg said" Am I?"
" Judging by the level of flop sweat on all of you, yeah. Which means you're running from Crowley, which makes sense. Crowley would wanna hunt down all the Lucifer loyalists... now that he's big man on campus."
" How would you know?"
" It's what I'd do. She can't kill us. She needs us to get her to Crowley so she can stick that knife in his neck. It's him or her."
Dean said" Well, I hope you both lose. But good luck."
" So you know what you gotta do now, right?"
Meg said" Let me guess, you're gonna tell me."
" Work with us." I looked at Sam,
Dean said" Whoa, what?"
" We'll hand you Crowley with a bow on one condition. We go with you, you help us wring a little something out of him... before you hack him to bits."
Meg said" What?"
" Doesn't matter. Question is, can you get us what we need?"
" I apprenticed under Alastair in hell just like your brother. So, Dean, can I make Crowley do whatever I want?"
Dean said" Yeah, she can."
" It's a deal, then. Hugs and puppies all around."
" You gonna untie us?"
" Please, don't pretend you don't enjoy it." She walked away, the other two walked past us, one stopped at Dean.
" You gonna kiss me?"
" Come on."

Dean said" What are you doing?"
Sam said" What do you mean?"
" I mean, what are you doing?"
" Dean, you wanted to screw over Crowley. Merry Christmas. What?"
" You wanna work with a demon again?"
" We're working with demons now. I'm doing this because I wanna stop."
" She killed Ellen and Jo."
" I know, but you can't look at this emotionally, Dean. We need her."
" The hell we do. That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast-"
" Of course, which is why we'll screw her first. Meg and her little posse are dead the second we're done with them."
" If they don't kill us."
" Oh, they won't. Because we're bringing insurance."

Sam came in with Cas, wow, he actually showed.
Dean said" You actually showed. Wow, Sam, I owe you a chicken dinner. What happened?"
Sam said" No big. This what friends do for each other." Sam totally threatened him. Dean knows nothing.

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