Male Loona x shy reader

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Requested by @Azarath_Playz
Loona's male name - Luca


The I.M.P members were now back at their meetings again in the imp building but this time, with a new worker.
"Guys, I want you all to meet, Y/n. Our newest worker" Blitzo said and held a hand on Y/n's shoulder, causing her to jump a bit.

Millie smiled at her, happy someone will join their team. Moxxie smiled but not as brightly. He felt bad that you choose to work at a company like I.M.P but at the same time, he's glad.

And lastly, we have Luca, the typical badass boy. Y/n smiled weakly at her three new co-workers and noticed that Luca was glancing over at her. She shyly waved at him and he rolled his eyes, before going back to his phone.

Moxxie looked between you and Luca "Y/n... Don't bother with him. He doesn't give any crap about anything or anyone."

"Shit up and sit on a goddamn dick Moxxie"


Y/n walked over to Luca, it's been a week since she started working for I.M.P and it's been all good so far. Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo loves you. You always got your work down in good time, you're always willing to help, and you're one of the best assassins Blitzo has seen.

Luca looked up from his phone and at the girl, she shakily held out some papers "B-Boss wanted you to sign these." "What for?" Luca asked, snatching the papers from the girl's grasp. "I-I don't know. He j-just told me to hand them to you." Luca sighed and read the papers as the girl was about to leave. "Y/n." He said, causing the girl to stop and turn back to him "Y-Yes, Luca?"

"Meet me outside the building at lunch." That was all he said before going back to the papers. Y/n looked down as she walked out of the room.
'Why? You hate me'


Y/n was standing by the building when her phone ringed and quickly answered "H-Hello?" She asked and Luca's voice said, "I'll be there in 15 minutes, Blitzo wanted some help."

"O-Okay...ah!" Y/n let out a surprised yell when she felt someone grab her. She turned to the one that did it. It was a demon that was double her size, the man walked towards her and was about to take her phone "Come here, princess."

"Hey! What's going on?!" Luca yelled through the phone but his call was quickly hanged up.

"Shit!" Luca said and ran out of the office and towards the exit. When he saw the guy holding your arm tightly with you struggling to get away from him, he quickly acted "Hey! What the fuck is going on?" Luca stormed over and the stranger looked at him "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Oh-" Luca stopped when he felt you tugging on the hem of his shirt "He grabbed me..." she whispered, closing her eyes.

"He grabbed you...?" Luca turned to the stranger that had now let go of Y/n. "You fucking grabbed my girl? Hey! Fucking dickhead!" Luca yelled as he punched the man against the wall until he turned to Y/n. He held her shoulders and she looked up at him. "What did he do? Tell me what the fuck he did"

"H-He tried to take my phone..." Luca looked at the man "You tried to take my girl's phone? Are you fucking kidding me?" Luca asked and walked up to him, the man sank in his place

"I've seen you around here before you fucking piece of shit, harassing people, what the fuck! He toughed you?!" Y/n nodded, "H-He grabbed me and... then grabbed my arm to try and t-take my phone..." she said in a quiet and shy voice. Luca growled at the man "You grabbed my girl's fucking arm, eh? *push the man's head against the wall* did you? You think you're fucking cute? Hey goof! You need to get out of here" the man glared at Luca, showing his teeth "Fuck off."

"Fuck off? Really?!" Luca slapped the guy before shoving him to the ground while the stranger tries to fight back. But thanks to Luca being taller, he had a better chance of hurting the man better and he did, "Hey! I'm fucking talking to you! Don't you ever fucking touch my girl! I'll take your jaw and I'll fucking shove it up to your ass, do you ducking understand what I'm saying to you?!" The man held up his hands in the protection of his face "T-Take it easy, man"

"Take it easy?! Oh yeah, I'll fucking take it easy-" Luca said before hitting the man once again while yelling for him to stay hella away.

"Don't you ever touch my girl, and don't you dare fucking come around here again." Luca let go of the stranger that was laying on the ground, whimpering.

Luca breathed heavily before calming down and he turned to the shaking you. "Did he hurt you? Did he hurt you at all? I just wanna know" the stranger weakly stood up, "I'll call the-"

"Call what? We're in Hell! No one gives a shit! Dickhead! Just fuck off and leave me and my girl alone!" Luca yelled at the man before attacking him once again. Take a hand full of the man's hair and slam his face to the ground.

"Do you fucking understand? Don't ever touch her again! I'll fucking push your Adam's apple right the back of your throat you'll never fucking breath again, and I'll make sure to prove you can die twice! You get me?!"

Luca held the fearful man closer and growled in his face "You get the fuck out of here you fucking piece of shit. I'll rip your ducking face off and feed it to you." Luca chuckled at the man, "Oh, you look a little fucking scared now, you're not that scared picking on fucking girls eh? You fucking goof! Get the fuck out of here! Do you understand me?"

"Y-y-yes..." Luca smirked and shoves the man away "Good! Now fuck off!" The stranger ran quickly away, leaving Luca and Y/n who now looked at the Hellhound, "Are you okay?" Y/n looked down and shook her head "Come here...come here, I got you,"

Y/n began to tear up by the scary event "It's okay, it's okay, I got you." He said and picked the girl up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, desperate to not fall as Luca walked back inside the building and sat Y/n on one of the chairs.

"I-I'm scared..." Y/n whispered and Luca caressed her cheek. "I know, I know, but he's gone now. Come here." Y/n leaned forward in her seat and hugged Luca who had crouched down. Luca hugged back and stroke Y/n's h/c hair "I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you again."

It took a short 10 minutes for Y/n to calm down a little and they parted from the hug and looked into each other's eyes. Luca glanced at her lips and then back at her eyes. Y/n blushed and looked away "L-Luca?"

"Hm? What is it?" "What was that you called me before?" Luca rubbed the back of his neck "Eh...Um... m-my girl?" Y/n looked at him "Why?"

"B-Because... I don't know... I'm not good with this kind of thing but... I guess... It's because I like you, Y/n. And I want to be the one to protect you." Y/n blushed harder if that was even possible and gave him a shy close eye smile...

"I like you too, Luca"

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