Chapter 3 : To get to know more.

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Towards the evening that day, I took a cab to Zoey's flat to which Rahul directed me. She was one of his friends here and had agreed to help me out for a time being, considering the fact that I cannot camp in a five star hotel for long. As far as I had talked to her she is very outgoing and friendly, something what I had hoped for in a roommate. We talked almost for an hour and then I hung up to get dressed to meet her. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans and got out to the Yankie streets.

When  I reached in front of her apartment within a few minutes, thanks to uber. It was an ordinary apartment with a vine creeping up the doorframe making it look cute. I hummed a tone of satisfaction. I rang the bell once and waited. Soon a figure in pyjamas and tank top came out, with ash blonde hair clipped on top of her head and looking relaxed. She shot her hands in front of me and said with a grin displaying her straight white teeth, "Zoey."

"Ria." I said smiling broadly and gladly took her hand. We both shook our hands and I stepped in the apartment. "For the record, I didn't expect you to look this hot." I commented with a wink and she chuckled, closing the door after us.

"Don't let my boyfriend hear it! He may get more clingy...if that is ever possible, that is." She joked and I threw my head back in laughter.

"For the record, you too look much different from what I expected. I mean, green eyes. I didn't know Ind-yans had green eyes. Cool!" She said closing the door behind me and trotted behind me who was busy scanning the place.

"Yeah." I giggled while looking around her two bedroom apartment, "It's a genetic mutation." Pretty spacious at the same time cute and well maintained.  The entire apartment was themed in a light creme comfy ambience, with the sofas a shade of darker shade.There were many hangings here and there that actually made the rooms look reallyy cute and girly...which I like.

"So why is your brother in Ind-yah? You should have bought him. I miss his jokes."

I turned swiftly and placed my hands on my hips with a look of disbelief," I thought they were lame."

"They are. But atleast someone takes an effort." I nodded to that statement.

"Oh, how rude of me! Is there more to clean up? Should I help?" I asked taking use of  situation to develop friendship. And besides, I didn't want her to think that I am simply a spoiled b*tch.

"Nope. But I wanted to go to club that opened nearby. I have a few girlfriends coming over, maybe you should tag along." She invited, tapping my shoulders on her way towards her fridge. My eyes twinkled in delight. It's been quite sometime since I have had something to drink or get wasted in a club and I really wanted to get completely drunk today. My freedom privileges. Off we went to a very crowded club, with a few of Zoey's friends. Yes, I got completely drunk and danced a few times too. It was midnight when I returned back to my hotel. But when the elevator opened and I saw a person standing in that, well clad in a navy-blue suit and looking like a GQ model, I started having hiccups.

"(Hic) Adam!..(hic) good night..I mean (hic) good evening!(hic) " I said waving at him while I somehow managed to get through the so-seemed narrow door of the elevator. I shook my head to clear my clouded vision and focus on not making a fool of myself in front to him.

"Oh shit! Ria, right? Are you drunk?" He asked all horrified and taken off gaurd. "You look a bit tipsy." he commented on the pattern of my very poor motor co-ordination skills.

"Oh dart Adam! (hic)Can't you see? (hic)I am(hic)bloody (hic) completely drunk (hic)." I said as I struggled to stay on my two feet and wobbled uncontrolably. Why is the floor so shaky?

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