c60: Angel In Disguise

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" REMEMBER the first time I brought you here? "

After they took a vacant table that only fits for both of them, that's when good memories suddenly flashed back inside their heads like a tape recorder. They both nostalgically roamed their eyes around the place and the small smile plastered upon their faces was evident enough to say they shared the same thoughts at that time. Looking down beside him, the younger male could just sigh loudly without faltering his smile into a flat line.

" too vivid, too clearly... I remember everything since that day I found you " Sungchan responded plainly but if you listened to him closely, you could hear how genuine he was.

At that response, the younger male luckily saw the tanned male seemed like trying to cease himself from beaming too widely, finding that sight cute for him.

" mhh, I actually didn't have thought of me.... eating here with you again " Haechan professed in a calm tone which he successfully gained the other's attention to him.

" why? " Sungchan asked with his bemused look.

" honestly?.... because I thought before that you'll leave me too since there's a lot of people waiting for you to notice them and who knows.... you'll ask some girls to eat dinner with you, not me " the older male chuckled faintly then his gaze went down to their enclasped hands as he drifted back to the times he was asking himself if he could bear the feeling if Sungchan also left him alone, doubting himself for making him stay even just for a friend he could lean on.

Out of his little trance, Haechan felt his chin being tugged up and the sight of his boyfriend was looking at him so fondly just made his heart clenched for some reason.

" you don't know how much control I used just not to hold your hand on mine back then, to hug you like your mine " Sungchan said in a serious manner, and yet the way he articulated those words just struck directly to the older's heart.

" you don't know how much happy I am until now when I just had my first dinner with my long-time crush. You had no idea how much nervous I was if you sit too close to me..... so don't ever doubt about me, finding another girl, women or guys, okay?.... I am too madly, deeply in love with you " he added then scooted closer to plant a soft peck on the latter's forehead, who just stared up at him motionless.

" and here I am, sitting beside you and I could brag to everyone that I am now having dinner with my beautiful boyfriend. Do you understand that baby? " the younger male then brought his hands to caress his cheeks so gently and not even a few seconds have passed when he saw him nodding so cutely against his touch.

" I thank all the gods and goddesses that I met such a tall, handsome and caring guy as my boyfriend. I am so ducking lucky " Haechan replied in his sincere tone as he already didn't stop himself from saying those words and he knew that would made Sungchan fall for him even more.

It sounded so selfish but he wanted to make the younger male feel crazy over him because he was too afraid that someone has a plan to ruin their relationship which he didn't like that idea even the slightest bit.

But now he is pregnant, this only made him feel happier and relieved as he imagined himself carrying their child in his arms while Sungchan hugging him from behind. That future he just wanted to commence and might marry the younger male in no time.

Seemed like they forgot they were still inside the restaurant they personally chose, Sungchan inched his face closer to the tanned male as they both slowly shut their eyes in anticipation but something had to stop them.

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