c13: Unspeakable Thoughts

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" Don't mind the soccer boys in the living room. They can be playful sometimes but they know their limitations "

At this point, Haechan knows he is doom.

The tanned male bit his inner cheek as he inwardly took a deep breath, flashing his signature smile towards the black-haired male.

" oh sure, I won't mind " then he let out an awkward chuckle and absentmindedly wiped his both clammy palms on his jeans.

" okay.... let's get in " Seongwoo already back faced him, twisting the doorknob and that's the first time Haechan wished in silence that time will suddenly stop and run back to his house. How ridiculous a thought was now playing around his head.

Then he lowered his gaze the moment he heard rowdy deep voices from other visitors roared around the two walls of the corridor... leading them to the spacious living room.

" anytime soon, they'll leave my house. My team often hangs out here in my house during Sunday, so yeah.... they're nice but don't hesitate to knock them off when they tried to make you feel uncomfortable, okay " Seongwoo chuckled timidly, making the tanned male let out a faint giggle from his mouth.

Not too long after when they reached the said living room. He thought right when he said to himself the interior design of this looking so mansion is making him feel welcome all the time. He couldn't help but appreciate the chandelier that hung so delicately with a high domed ceiling that was decorated so aesthetically.

Haechan looks like a lost kid with his mouth almost hung open. He felt like being transported to the renaissance era but with a touch of modern vibe that amazed him. He wanted to stay there a little bit longer but then he remembered his main purpose on why he came here with Seongwoo in the first place.

" guys, I have a visitor so welcome him nicely, okay.... and yeah... Haechan, this is my teammates. I hope you guys will get along well " gulping dryly, Haechan reluctantly brought his attention back to the owner of the house who was shooting him a demure smile but his own eyes betrayed him when the panorama of a group of teenage males welcomed him to his sight.

That's when he realized that everyone fell silent, staring at him full of wonder as if they just saw a breathtaking statue just came into existence before them.

He bowed himself to show his respect towards his colleagues but he just met silence when the aforementioned boys continued to leer at him, making him somewhat small under their heavy gazes.

He was about to fish out his phone and used the screen to do some quick check to himself to see if something got tweaked off on his attire that caused the others to look at him that long but someone caught his attention and their eyes momentarily locked with each other.

" yah! I just said to welcome him nicely, not staring at him like wild predators, you idiots " tearing his gaze away from the staring brunet male, the tanned male internally thanked the black-haired male and watched him scolding his teammates as he gave them a playful smack on their heads.

Haechan couldn't cease from chuckling lowly when the sight of interactions between them like they are truly brothers was just made him feel relax a bit.

From his peripheral vision, he caught a glimpse of that deadpanned-looking face that was still looking at him plainly. Haechan doesn't know why but he suddenly felt conscious as he took a short sneak peek at his outfit but then, he recomposed himself when he saw Seongwoo was making his way towards him. He then gave him a prompting smile.

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