c36: Not My Bank Account

792 55 74

" I am craving for sweets "

LAYING on his starfish position, Haechan scrolled down on his phone, feeling his stomach suddenly gurgled when he accidentally came across the feed which displays different delicious viands that made him drool at no time. He jutted his bottom lip in dismay.

He was contemplating whether he should order sweet foods for himself or not. It was already passed of their dinner time. He was so sure that his stomach was already full, but when he saw mouthwatering doughnuts and whatnot, he couldn't help but feel hungry again like he didn't have his dinner earlier.

In the end, he just posted the photos of foods he wanted to eat to his feed. With a soft sigh, he stood up from his bed as he heard some faint noises that came from his shared living room. Then he dashed out of his room and went downstairs only to meet his friends who came with unexpected visitors at this hour.

" Renjun??? " Haechan blurted out, making his friends looked at him with a smile.

" ohh??? since it's already Friday night chocoball, which means what?... " the chinese male looked at him expectantly, but the tanned male just tilted his head in confusion.

" umh what? " asked Haechan that made his other friends groaned loudly.

" I-I'm.... disappointed " Renjun let out a heavy sigh.

" h-huh--- "

" hyung.... how dare you to forget the musketeers' night! " Chenle exclaimed playfully to him that resulted in the tanned male to enlarge his eyes in realization.

" oh my gosh, I'm sorry--- " his words cut off when their visitor suddenly laughed at him cutely.

" nothing new.... you're still our chocoball. Anyway, I invited him because I want to and he's now officially part of musketeers " Renjun then beamed so hugely, pulling the younger male to his side.

" my baby taro!!! " if that's possible, you could see Haechan's eyes sparked in glee as he launched towards the said male and hugged him so tightly

" a-ahck... hi h-hyung " the japanese male was now having a hard time to breathe when the older male squeezed him which made his face turned with a bit shade of red.

" come here anytime okay " Haechan said in a prompting manner.

" y-yes hyung " Shotaro then smiled down at him as he breathed heavily.

" yah bitch, you're going to kill him, what the fuck " Renjun pulled the tanned male from the latter and he got a sheepish smile in a return. Then, they watched their japanese friend suddenly let out a loud sigh, clutching to his chest like he just stabilized his normal breathing from suffocation.

" I couldn't help it, he looks so soft " Haechan pouted and instinctively reached the youngest of them to a bear hug.

" well, I can't argue with that " Jaemin chimed in as he also trying himself not to squash Shotaro's cheeks.

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