c21: Call Him Baby

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" BETTER call us if something bad happens okay "

After that little incident last night, Lucas decided to bring them home in reassurance if that creepy person tried to attack them and they were accompanied by soccer players that could protect them. They got home safe and sound, even they escorted the nomin couple and the dolphin male to his house.

Everyone was calm and yet cautious on their way home. They didn't let one of them got trailed off especially the tanned male who was feeling nothing but anxious about his surroundings. Even though they got home safely and the brunet male stayed for him a little bit, he couldn't sleep in peace, still thinking about the message from his not-so stalker.

Haechan being Haechan, he doesn't want to show them he was too afraid and made them worry.

Truth to be told, he just wanted to slack off and might not leave the house, but he remembered his agreement with Mingyu this day.... their ice cream date.

" alright alright. I'll keep that in mind. Don't worry, I can assure you that Mingyu is not a bad guy " Haechan then hugged his older male in comfort.

" I'm just making sure your safe. That person can be in everywhere " Renjun countered, with a little pout formed on his face.

" Junnie.... " Haechan let out a faint chuckle, unlatching himself from the latter.

" it's gonna be alright.... I promise " he added then he flashed the other a soft smile even though there was this little hesitation about getting away from them and that odd feeling made him freak out so he shook his head dismissively.

" mhh okay but.... you still owe me one thing huh " Renjun said which resulted in the tanned male to look at him confusingly.

" what's going on between you and this hottie dude Sungchan? you sly bitch... you think that I didn't notice those subtle looks and the way he hugged you last night huh " Renjun added in a prompting manner then a mischievous smirk is now visible on his face.

" h-huh? what are you talking about? there's nothing going on between us " Haechan reasoned out, internally panicking as he faced his vanity mirror.

" mhh sure.... and I quote, don't even try to use that tone to me, you big baby... sure that's not just some friends thing " Renjun snickered at the shocked male, mimicking that phrase that he and his other friends heard when they tried to eavesdrop after Haechan excused himself to entertain the call.

" you guys.... did you just--- " the tanned male got cut when he got a sassy nod in confirmation.

" well, we actually had no plan to pry on who's your talking with and I was not convinced about the Yangyang whole thing, and hello bitch... you're being too loud and it's intriguing so yeah, we heard some of your convos like Jaemin almost barged in your room, good thing that Jeno stopped him just in time..... so now... are you still going to deny it or what? " the chinese male then crossed his arms against his chest, quirking his brow up like he was waiting for the latter to admit the truth.

" I--- okay... it's Sungchan okay but hey.... we're just--- " Haechan suddenly halted from blurting out when a thought just came across in his mind.

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