c56: Unveil The Veil

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" Haechan-ah, what are we doing here? "

Familiar corridor that he met last two days ago and the atmosphere he hated once when he was a kid just gave him mixed emotions while he was dragging the confused chinese male from behind which he knew he owed them an explanation. The said male could only breathe heavily as the decision of bringing his friend with him just made him feel nervous even more.

Suddenly, the tanned male halted on his tracks and faced the asking male with those words were fumbling annoyingly in his tongue.

" I.... I have to get the result of my check-up " Haechan answered with lack of confidence interweaved in his honey voice, getting a confounded look from him.

" check-up for what?..... yah, are you hiding something from us? " Renjun queried as those confusing thoughts were playing around his mind which he didn't like any of them. The silence of the younger male only intensified what he was feeling.

" hey " the chinese male slightly nudged the latter when he caught Haechan just staring ahead of him. Not long afterwards when he got a reassurance smile in return.

" just little check-ups.... nothing to worry about, grandpa " Haechan tittered as he pulled the older male again towards the room, wherein the doctor which happened to be his friend was now waiting for his comeback to give the final record to him.

Moving onwards over the next few minutes, they already arrived at their destination and the chinese male can see how the tanned male released a long sigh before knocking on the door. After a matter of seconds when they both heard a faint masculine voice through the barrier that asked for them to come over kindly.

" oh???.... there you are. Good afternoon, guys... oh wow, Renjun. What a surprise " the doctor who sat behind the desk greeted them which is reciprocated by the two other males.

" oh hi hyung, we just get done our afternoon class and he dragged me here. I thought we're just going to buy something " as he pronounced those words, he gave the latter a longside glance as he was the first who took a seat in one of the vacant chairs.

" mhh, so he didn't tell you? " Mr. Lee asked as they both watched Haechan just followed the chinese male without uttering any response. He just let out a small smile and he felt his hand being tugged gently by his older friend.

" huh? tell me what? " snapping his head back to the doctor, Renjun instinctively gazed down on the table, wherein he sought a long brown envelope rest upon the table. Not only him, but the other two also stared at the paper container that was now the center of their attention.

At that exact moment, they fell in deafening silence as lots of suggestive thoughts have now ricocheted inside their heads. Just a simple envelop displayed in front of them gave them an uncertain feeling but the chinese male couldn't wait to unveil the veil, making Haechan got nervous to the maximum level. Out of reflexes, the tanned male snatched the said envelope from Renjun.

" you should be extra careful for the next days, Haechan-ah " Mr. Lee blurted out and the younger males could see a faint smile crept up to his face.

Reluctantly, the tanned male fumbled his fingers across the flap of the envelope and brought his eyes back to see himself already taking out the result from its concealment.

There he was along with his older friend, they both had no enough knowledge to understand the text that was being written down on the white sheet but something that caught his attention made him froze on his seat. The complaints of his friend seemed to be now distant in his earshot like his senses were slowly died down but his palpitating heart who on the brink of escaping out of his chest.

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