c54: Favor

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It's been a week since he fell sick, which only happens once in a blue moon. He got back to his usual self, but Haechan noticed something that changed and he decided not to tell to anyone yet. He started to act weird as he felt like just staying on his bed instead of joining with his other friends or doing something outdoor activities. He sometimes loses his appetite for the food even though his favorite meal being served in front of him didn't make him feel hungry.

After that day, he knew something was not right with his body and that was being noticed by his other friends and Sungchan. They bombarded him with questions if he was okay and the tanned male could only give them vague responses as he also doesn't know what was happening to him.

There was a time his heart was palpitating too fast that made him stay awake too late without Sungchan's knowings. Sometimes, he felt like throwing up even though his stomach was not that full. Haechan thought that he ate something that made him feel sick and he was now contemplating whether he should see a doctor or let his body heals by itself.

" oookay Donghyuck, great job for your performance task! " as if on cue, the blaring music around the studio was being stopped by the dance instructor for his morning class.

Escaping uneven pants as the adrenaline that rushed through his system was starting, the tanned male then took a polite bow after seeing his other classmates looked at him in awe that made him feel somewhat contented to see their reactions.

" thank you, Mr. Kang " Haechan cracked a faint smile, dreading to end their class so he can join his other friends to his next class.

As he wiped the sweat that was dripping down against his heated skin, Haechan then walked over to his japanese friend as he earned a short applaud from him.

" you danced so good, Haechan-ah " Shotaro said cheerfully as they did a fist-bumping gesture.

" and I just wanna rest for the whole day " Haechan replied as he took his tumbler from the floor, drinking the entire amount of his refreshing water to satisfy his thirst.

The tanned male earned a soft giggle from the latter who was looking so squishy on his huge gray hoodie but when he recalled his friend stepped in the center of attention, he saw the different side of Shotaro. The tanned male couldn't help but admired how Shotaro grooved so delicately and yet powerful that made everyone including him watched him danced in speechless.

" okay class.... our session for today will end here. I hope to see you more like this. I really like the performances today. And now, class dismiss everyone. See you at next meeting " after those words he waited for the most just being declared, Haechan strolled over to his personal stuff along with Shotaro who trailed behind him.

" I'll just change my clothes, baby taro. You can go ahead "  packing the necessities inside his backpack in hurry, Haechan gave the latter a longside glance as he saw his japanese friend shook its head in return. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he then quirked his brow up to the latter who was now ready to go.

" Sungchan said that we won't leave you alone, especially in the bathroom. Let me accompany you and also, I am going to the same class as you " Shotaro then smiled at him before ushering them out of the studio.

As if automatic when the name of his boyfriend slipped off Shotaro's tongue, those butterflies inside his stomach were now giving him a tingly feeling and a beautiful smile adamantly found a way up to his face.

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