c32: Behind Those Codes

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THROUGHOUT their ride back to their shared house, his chinese friend bombarded him with questions which he didn't know how to give him a proper response without stuttering. Even he actually didn't know the answers except to those 3 words were flashing vividly in his head. Out of his frustration, Haechan let his head fell against the window.

" I-I think I like him, Junnie " at that exact moment, his face contorted in horror when his friend suddenly pulled the handbrake, making them both launched forward, good thing they were wearing seat belts.

" oh my fudge--- "

" what??? " Renjun blurted out, tilting his head beside him.

Haechan then heaved a loud sigh as he buried his red face down to his palms.

" I like Sungchan.... I like him so much " Haechan confessed in his small voice like he already gave up from hiding what he had been felt for the younger male since their paths crossed again.

" damn... big thanks to heaven. My friend finally realized his undeniable feelings for this weird kid after god knows how long fucking days. Why am I even surprised? " Renjun shook his head in a slow pace while watching his younger friend that he knew from the beginning that he will see him at this state again like what happened back then, when Mark confessed his love to his tanned male friend, but this time Haechan was the one who admitted first.

" I don't know what to do anymore " Haechan admitted and dramatically cowered his body down to the seat.

" then confessed, as easy as that " Renjun replied as if that was the obvious thing to help the latter out.

" it's not that easy... I-I actually don't know what will I do if I am the only fool here who's taking this whole thing seriously between us... Junnie, I like him so much " unbeknownst to himself, the tanned male felt his both cheeks became wet and he wiped them in haste.

" h-hey, bitch...... okay okay.... that weird kid officially made you cry so I could say... you really like him that much huh " the chinese male hurriedly maneuvered the engine as he looked at his crying friend from time to time.

" I-I think I am " Haechan let out a long sigh then his gaze fell on the dashboard with full of thoughts about the certain male who was still sleeping at this early morning.

" who do you like again? " Renjun teased the younger, thinking about making the atmosphere between them lighter.

" Jung ducking Sungchan " the younger male answered in a flat tone as he escaped a low groan, ruffling his messy hair even more.

There he was, sitting inside the car beside his friend but his mind was wandering back to the brunet male and his chest felt like being freed from suffocation when those heavy feelings finally lifted up. He knows that his chinese friend would be there to be all ears for him so he admitted what he was hiding and might get helpful advice from him.

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