c41: Superhuman

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Emitting shallow breaths as his hands trembled out of the sudden cold, Haechan was being squashed between his cousin and Johnny that forced him to sit close with them. He just relented but in his mind, he was thinking silly thoughts or more like murdering his friends in his mind to be exact.

He felt helpless in that situation. The tanned male just wanted to end this day that felt so decades and yet, he has to keep calm for his boyfriend who sat across them, looking so handsome and collected unlike him. He was indeed nervous.

" umh, good morning--- "

" let me get straight to the point, Jung Sungchan... " as Taeyong stopped the brunet male from saying anything, this only made Haechan anxious even more. He fumbled down at the hem of his shirt and sent the latter a concerned look, only to receive a reassurance smile from him.

" are you Haechan's suitor or his new boyfriend?.... don't even try to lie, kid " Taeyong leaned forward, plopping his both elbows down to his knees.

For umpteenth times, the tanned male took a large gulp and nudged his cousin to get his attention.

" hey, stop making him feel nervous.... you're scaring him " Haechan then pouted uncontrollably, didn't cease himself from worrying too much.

" oh he should, dongsaeng. If he's brave enough to face us, there's nothing to be scared of~ " Taeyong singsong as he patted the younger's head who was now looking dumbfounded beside him.

" so, Jung Sungchan..... I am waiting " heaving a deep sigh, the tanned male just watched his cousin looked back to his boyfriend and deep inside of him, he just wanted to hide him from them.

" I..... I love your cousin and he loves me too..... our feelings are mutual and I wanted to be his official boyfriend with your consent.... I genuinely love him. I really do " Sungchan answered in a calm manner as he averted his gaze to the tanned male with a hint of fondness flashed across his eyes.

" mhh.... is that true, Haechan? " when he felt those heavy gazes were all on him, the said male couldn't control himself from squirming a bit and lowered his head to the ground, feeling his face heated up.

" chan? " tilting his head beside him, the tanned male slowly nodded his head in confirmation and tried his best to maintain their eye contact.

" I love him, hyung " Haechan said in a hushed tone as he reached his cousin's hand to him. Seemed like his words echoed around the living room that made everyone fell into deep silence. He broke his own word when he couldn't look at Taeyong any longer, instead, those favorite eyes caught him in a midway, and automatically, they stared at each other.

" since when, dongsaeng? " he heard his cousin asked him and the tanned male just gave the older male a response without giving any single glance.

" I-I don't know..... it just happened, hyung " he mumbled as if he and Sungchan made their own trance they only could know.

" hey, Sungchan. I wanna hear some words from you.... are you true to your words, hmm? are you taking this whole thing between you two serious? " as if on cue, they both snapped their heads towards the older male who was now wearing a cold demeanor, which resulted for his younger cousin to squeeze their hands together.

Anticipating on what would be the answer of the said male, they brought their attention back to Sungchan as if they were too engrossed about what was happening before them. They just sat there without uttering any single word, even the chinese male Renjun couldn't meddle between them.

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