c57: Weaknesses

378 28 24

Classes already started as no one could be spotted any students wandering on the corridor. At that usual time, everyone was either taking their short break in the cafeteria or attending to their respective morning classes, dreading to hear the school bell rings around the campus.

Nothing new miracle happened like the entire place was fell in a deafening silence. Only faint footsteps and hushed voices were prominent in anyone's earshot. Shut doors and empty hallways, no one dared to create any disturbance amidst that peacefulness.

" unfortunately, over the course of all this production, the woodblocks used to stamp on colors would break down, and with them the quality of the image. This gradual degradation is why museums will brag about their prints being early issues "

Within the four walls of one's spacious classroom, students seemed to be absorbed in what their professor trying to engage them at the remaining time only they had.

Some of them were genuinely interested in the topics being discussed for that day while their other fellow classmates were just physically sat on their chairs but their minds were cruising around to somewhere else that made them just unconsciously stared at the huge whiteboard out of boredom.... including the tanned male who was trying to suppress the smile upon his coated lips. With his lowered head and his fingers slammed furiously down to his phone screen, the said male knew how to play his own games.

Haechan sometimes craned his head up to the front before his professor caught him texting as he nodded his head slowly like a good student he was. After he got to check if no one was looking his way, he immediately brought his attention back to his phone, gnawing his bottom lip to stop himself from beaming too widely.


c'mon focus on your class


but my prof is so fucking boring :(


not my problem anymore~


you're the only person who came into my mind since I woke up beside you


entertain me :(


I am your boyfriend, not a clown


baby, just admit your prof is also boring as mine


I am trying to focus here, kid


not the kid thing again

Muffling his soft giggle against his knuckles, Haechan then slowly checked his surroundings if someone was watching and he inwardly sighed in relief when he found no one noticed what he was doing and their eyes were in somewhere, not to him.


ur so cute :( the small pudu can't wait to see his big deer

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