c47: Born To Be Him

570 45 31

" HAECHAN, is it true? "

" oh my gosh, you guys are now in a relationship? "

" are you guys really dating? "

" I thought Sungchan is not interested in boys? "

" did you celebrate your holiday weeks with him? "

" hey, tell me your secret on how you seduce him "

Heaving another sigh, the tanned male was trying to have a tight grip on his friend's arm when he foresaw him going to confront the girl from the lower class who just gave him an offending comment that everyone nearby at them heard it clearly.

" let me go, Haechan " the chinese male told him in a serious manner, but he only shook his head in disapproval.

" and what? might she blame you for starting a fight? no, not on my watch, Junnie. Just ignore them okay? " Haechan said calmly then looked to his other two friends who were glaring at the said girl that made her scurried away from them.

" and let them badmouthing about you? " Renjun retorted that being followed with a scoff.

" guys, don't think about them. They'll get tired eventually. C'mon, it's our first week today " and he was telling truth when they just attended the first week of their classes and they didn't know that Haechan and Sungchan became an instant hot topic around the campus like they were celebrities who went on hiatus and when they saw the tanned male, the students mobbed him that infuriated his friends to the core.

To be honest, Haechan was too overwhelmed by his surroundings. Even in his morning class, his classmates most especially girls were throwing him questions which he only gave them vague answers, or sometimes he would just ignore them like he didn't hear anything.

He is the type of person who doesn't like to be bombarded and tried to intervene in his privacy despite his nature about liking to interact with other people.

Everyone has limitations too.

Since he went back to school, he didn't spot even a shadow of his boyfriend. He tried to call him multiple times but the latter was not answering his phone, which made him confused. He thought that Sungchan had no idea about their names were now everyone's favorite topic after the younger's admirers saw his latest post on Instagram with a caption about being in a relationship with him along with his candid photo they took last new year's eve.

After that day, he just woke up full of message requests, asking about him and Sungchan and he didn't expect that he gained more followers on his personal account.

At that photo, he looked so happy on that snapshot as he held the younger's male from behind. He still remembered those great times with him, which resulted in him to smile faintly before he gave his friends a knowing look.

" you guys can go ahead first " he said using his reassuring tone and he instantly got a perplexed look from them.

" are you sure, baby pudu? " his friend Yangyang asked him worryingly. Without any delay, he nodded his head at a slow pace before raising the paper bag in his hand.

" by the way.... thanks for this, baby sheep. I can't wait to eat your hyung's cookies " he ruffled the latter's hair which only his hands being nudged carefully stopped him from messing his tidy hair.

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