Chapter 38: The Real Ansem?

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(Harmony's) POV:

Once we took care of the Heartless, Tron places his hand on the panel. A glowing blue light surges from the panel to his arm. After a moment or two Tron removes his hand and smiles.

"I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored!" Tron exclaims.

"Oh boy!" Donald cheers.

The moment is soon over when we hear an alarm go off. A light from above nearly zaps us. Thankfully, we manage to get out of the way in time.

"Finally. I have full access to the DTD," a familiar voice declares. It doesn't take long for me to recognize it as the MCP's voice. "My takeover of the system is now complete. I might have anticipated such a simple password. What's this? An emergency destruct program for the town. Let's see how it performs."

"No!" Tron exclaims.

Tron places his hand back on the panel then presses its buttons.

"Program! You changed the password!" the MCP exclaims, not sounding happy.

"There, that should buy us some time," Tron says, giving the others and I a reassuring smile.

"Tron! Tell us what's going on!" Sora exclaims.

"The MCP's loading a hostile program into the I/O tower," Tron answers.

"He said emergency destruct program. Does that mean...?" Harada begins to ask.

"It means that if we don't do something quick, Hollow Bastion will be blown up into an oblivion," Madison answers, making all of us not like the sound of that.

"What do we do?" Donald asks, worried.

"We've got to protect the User town. Let's head to the tower!" Tron declares.

We all nod our heads in agreement and run as fast as we can to the I/O tower, with Tron leading the way. A lot of Heartless try to get in our way, but we manage to take care of them. Thankfully, it didn't take long for us to reach our destination.

"It must be total chaos outside," says Tron.

"I think there's gonna be trouble INSIDE, too..." says Madison.

"What're you talking about?" Heisuke asks.

"Take a look," she says, gesturing to a nearby terminal.

I'm not sure what the terminal is showing exactly, but there are a lot of blinking dots on it. Then suddenly, we hear a loud sound coming from outside. Deciding to find out what it could be, we leave the I/O tower, just in time to see a huge Heartless appear.

"I'm disappointed in you, program," the MCP says. "Why do you insist on allying with these selfish Users?"

"Because I want to help them," Tron answers with determination. "Something written in my code commands me to do what is right."

"Really? And what command would that be?" the MCP asks.

Tron shrugs his shoulders. "I can't really say for sure," he says, glancing at me and the others.

I smile at Tron. "It's because we're friends. They always help each other no matter what, to show how much they care about each other. They even promise to have each other's back whenever one of them needs help," I say, earning a nod of agreement from the others.

"Look out!" Hijikata exclaims, just in time for us to avoid an attack from the Heartless.

The Heartless then shoots out lasers, creating huge walls. The walls prevent us from escaping. Seeing that our only option is to take care of the Heartless first, we end up with no other choice but to fight. The fight proved to be difficult, since this Heartless was really fast and fought more like a computer program than a typical monster, but we were somehow able to defeat it.

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