Chapter Fifty-Nine

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On her way to the common room from the seventh floor, Isabelle would steal glances around her frequently in an almost alarmed manner. Truth was, she was actually alarmed. She didn't wish to see Garry, because frankly, if she did, she didn't know whether she would kick him - with her prosthetic to make the experience more painful - or proceed to cry.

She limped all the way to her common room as quickly as she could and tapped the barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff before getting inside. She crossed the passage leading to her common room quickly and headed to the staircase leading to her dormitory with her head low, trying to not draw attention to herself. She didn't know whether Garry was in the common room or not. Perhaps it was better that way.

Once she was in the girls' dormitory, she relaxed and walked in a leisurely pace. Garry couldn't set a foot in that place and the thought was quite comforting.

Isabelle made her way to her dormitory after some time. Opening the door, she expected to find Cassidy there, but instead, she realised she was nowhere to be seen. Her books were placed on her bed, just like she had told her, but she was nowhere to be seen. With a frown, she looked around the room just as Hailey stepped out from the bathroom, holding a towel around her body.

"Hello, Isabelle," she greeted her as she walked to her wardrobe to grab her clothes, not at all bothered with her lack of clothing.

"Hello Hailey," she murmured, "how come you are having a bath at this hour?"

"I have a meeting with Bernard by the Black Lake in half an hour," she explained, turning around briefly to send her a smile before focusing on her search of clothes again. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to Cassidy-"

"She is waiting for you at the Great Hall," she cut in as she finally picked her outfit and turned around once again. "You didn't forget, right?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Forget what?"

"You would have dinner together, right? She left early but you would still eat together."

Isabelle's eyes widened. "It's time for dinner already?"

"I'm afraid so," she frowned, "you must hurry."

"Alright, I'll leave," she nodded as she prepared to leave, only to stop in front of the door. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Bernard told me he will grab something from the kitchens for both of us," she smiled, "You go now. Don't keep her waiting."

Isabelle returned her smile and with a nod, turned around. She walked quickly to the staircase leading to the common room, now reassured that she wouldn't meet people on her way to the Great Hall since dinner had been served. Like she had done before, she kept her head hanging low as she passed by the common room just in case and then, she was out of the Basement.

Her way to the Great Hall was short and uneventful. When she reached the gates, she pushed lightly so as to not draw much attention to herself. Quickly, she headed over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down on the vacant space opposite Cassidy, not even looking around to check whether Garry was there or not.

"I'm so sorry I was late for dinner," she said as soon as she sat down, "I lost track of time. I thought it was earlier."

Cassidy hummed in response as she looked up, offering her a tiny smile. Isabelle kept talking as she put some potatoes in her plate.

"Thank you for letting my books on my bed. And I'm sorry."

"There's no reason to apologise," she mumbled as she started playing with her food, "I have forgiven you already. I always forgive you. And I understand that when you are upset you act in a manner that you don't mean to act but I really hope you stop taking your anger out on me from now on."

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