Chapter Thirty-Five

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From the moment she had announced something would definitely happen between her and Scorpius on Valentine's Day, Garry hadn't stopped trying to seek her out. Isabelle knew he wanted them to talk, but she really didn't. There was a chance that if they did, she would feel bad about the whole situation and instead of getting on with her plan on Friday, choose to let her chance go instead.

As Cassidy had told her plenty of times, she shouldn't lose her time on someone she definitely didn't like. She wanted her to be happy, and if that meant that being with Scorpius made her happy, she had no issue with it. She was actually grateful for having a friend like her.

Supportive as she was and always wishing what she thought to be the best for her, Isabelle felt like she had an older sister that would protect and care for her at all times, no matter what she had done. Cassidy had proved that she was there to stay, and no matter her weaknesses, she would be there.

She needed that right now. She needed to have a person that would fight next to her, someone that could always have her back, but also someone who would not hesitate to call her out when what she was doing was wrong or stupid. And if there was one person she would miss after school, it was definitely her.

With her guidance and constant talk of encouragement, when Friday morning came, Isabelle was actually feeling confident that she could make a move with Scorpius and not be afraid that he would reject her. And just because she was feeling confident, that morning she decided to do something different.

Her hair that was usually braided now fell to her chest, framing her face beautifully. She couldn't really do much, as she still had to wear her uniform, but she thought that was enough of a change for one day. After all, what was the use of making a move with the boy she liked while not looking like herself?

She sent a wide smile back at her reflection as she left her dormitory and headed to the common room, her Potions textbook at hand. She left without any disturbance and having caught no sight of Garry anywhere. So far, everything was going according to plan.

She headed to the Great Hall quickly, and spying Rose and Niha on the Gryffindor table, she instantly made her way towards them and sat down beside Rose.

"Good morning," she greeted instantly as she helped herself to some tea.

"Good morning," Niha politely greeted, a small smile forming on her lips that only widened as Rose threw her arms around the Hufflepuff.

"Isabelle, I have a date with Timothy today!"

"That's great, Rosie," she smiled as she patted her back, her eyes wide as she hadn't been expecting such a greeting. "You do know you are dating though, right? You don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to get on another date."

"Of course we don't have to wait for that, but it is still exciting!" she exclaimed as she pulled back, "I got him a scarf. He always says that he needs a scarf."

"That's great," she smiled as she raised her cup of tea to her lips, "what kind of scarf did you get him?"

Instantly, the girl clapped her hands. "Oh it's beautiful! It's red and has white snowflakes everywhere, and if you pay close attention, you'll realise that in the middle of each snowflake is a tiny red heart! He is going to love it!"

"I told her the scarf would fit a Gryffindor more," Niha piped in, "she wouldn't listen though."

"Niha, it's Valentine's Day, red and white are common colours today!"

"Didn't mean you had to get him that," she shook her head, even if there was a smile on her lips. "Anyway, I am not one to judge. After all, I hardly know anything about relationships."

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